B…but 2011 was like 6years ago?? No?
Yo [he/him]
B…but 2011 was like 6years ago?? No?
I’m from Greece and I think I’ve only heard people talk about 9 lives here😄
Yo very unrelated, but thank you for mentioning that phrase “skeletons in their own closet”! I’ve been listening to a song for a few months which uses that metaphor and I couldn’t exactly figure out what it meant (it’s in Greek and didnt expect that phrase to exist in english too). (This is the song if you care, lol.)
Just did yesterday after putting it off for some months
Oh thank you! I couldn’t set it properly:)
PS. Thunder released a new version (0.6.0) about an hour ago🙃
At least on Thunder (the app) you can. I think many others support it as well.
It’s not that I dont see anything related to those blocked keywords, but it keeps it to a kinda moderate amount for my health:) (I initially blocked them hoping that if many people stopped caring about them they might had smaller reach, but it appears it didnt work out. (PS. I’m from Greece))
I think I’ll agree and I tend to forget that I’ve already filtered out posts with the keywords trmp and msk (did that about a year ago).
How about marking them as “favourite” as a bookmark? Fossify gallery (and many other galleries) can do that.
Oh, I don’t use any autocorrect.😅 Does it have one? I know it has autofill, suggestions with dictionaries and spell check, but not sure if it has autocorrect.
I have all of these disabled (I only have the auto-capitalization after a period and auto period after double space).😄
Wait, are you on beta? I think in they have gliding, but it is only for gestures, not typing.
Oh yes, I later realised that in your post you made nixos fetch from unstable. I’m using only the unstable nixpkgs branch😅
I see though, if it runs properly on your device it probably would on mine too.
About bottles, I just created a bottle, selected “custom” (not application or game category) and I picked the runner I wanted (sys-wine 10.0). You can also change it later from settings/runner:)
Funnily, I had issues with lutris, couldnt get it to run properly, but I think it may have been cuz I had forgotten to enable 32bit support. Lol, with lutris and bottles it seems like half the people can only use the former and half only the latter.
PS. I was running the wayland variant at 8.2 and it was working properly on my plasma/wayland desktop. Maybe it wouldnt without it back when they didnt properly support it.
Edit: I’m using bottles from the nix repo, not from flatpak. If you use it from flatpak it may not be able to see “sys-wine”
Edit2: Apparently, removing the bottles shortcut of the affected apps and changing first to wine-ge fixed the issue. Thought notepad++ was broken, I just deleted that bottle.
Yo, may I ask, do you know the difference between wineWowPackages.waylandFull
and wineWowPackages.Full
I have the former one (I’ve just thrown it inside the environment.systemPackages=with pkgs ; [ ]
section of my configuration.nix file).
And I just noticed that (almost?) all of wine variants for nixos got bumped to 10.0. Up until few weeks ago many were stuck in 8.2 I think. Wow
Edit: I see that this bump might have broken something (or a bottles update did it)💀 It seems like I cant change the runners of the bottles and bottles that used system wine cant boot up, hmmm
Edit2: I probably have to delete and recreate the affected bottles, bruh
Florisboard beta is what I use. Extremely customisable. I think the biggest things that lacks are custom background photo and text-gliding (I ~dont use any of these though).
I made it almost identical to the gboard theme I was using previously and it’s so cool.
Lol, same
I even saw that account commenting on one of my posts, reported it and got removed
This is a good comparison of messengers here:
Btw, an imprtant aspect of privacy is how metadata are handled/leaked. Signal trues to minimize metadata leak to near zero (there are some other messengers that do that, like simplex)
Yo this seems to be a bad take
I think something that defines humanity is that we really try not to follow the “rules of nature”, ie. the rule of the stronger over the weaker
If youre coming on Nixos, I have a lot of resources in the bookmarks section here: https://codeberg.org/BlastboomStrice/LinuxPlan/src/branch/main/LinuxPlan.md#nixos-bookmarks
(This was a guide I made for myself in the span of ~4months to transition to linux and I still update it some times.)
I tried simplex today and it’s very nice (I have signal for years and I tried to compare signal, briar, jami and simplex. Simplex turned out to be a very good solution. Though probably even fewer people use it compared to signal, so I might be alone for a while on that messenger.)