Pretty neat IMO (though I’m not a Bitwig user). They really seem to be upping the ante as an Ableton alternative.
Stuff like this makes me think this may one day become classic, historical gear.
Still amazes me to this day that they were able to render such a faraway horse in 128-bit…
I think there was a ROM hack that solved this floating-point error. If I can find it, will post link.
I appreciate it. I always thought Deezer was just a streaming platform like Spotify.
Also, dang, surprised so many downvotes for my original comment lol.
I work part time as an audio producer. Converting MP3 to FLAC is like trying to upscale an image: you can use all the fancy algos to repair loss, but it’s still lossy.
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This doesn’t sound like what I’m asking for. I’m not interested in paying Deezer for music I already own.
Alright, I can see you’d rather not have a conversation. Peace.
Hey no need to downvote, just trying to have a conversation, not a fight.
I’m telling you they don’t have the same stances: one is leftist, the other is far-right. One is anti-fascist, the other is willing to partner with neo-fascists so long as it benefits their self-interest (case in point, Jan 6 insurrection).
Anarchists, like communists, want society to evolve beyond statism because they both see the state as fatally flawed at best and an oppressor at worst. An anarchist is someone who doesn’t need a cop to make them do the right thing. It’s not so much that anarchism is for deregulation and weak government as it for a society where all power is with all the people. In practice, instead of relying hierarchies, such as government as we know it, anarchists use politics like consensus decision-making to form community agreements. Anarchism, in this way, is a development of direct democracy.
Perhaps your judgment against anarchism has to do with encounters with anarcho-egoism and anarcho-capitalism? These two ideologies are incompatible with classical anarchism, which is based on mutual aid. Or maybe you’ve encountered anarcho-primitivism, which I’d agree is perhaps as conservative as it gets lol.
In the interest of vulnerability, I mostly align with anarcho-syndicalism or anarcho-socialism with some hints of post-anarchism to form my theory and practice for how to develop a mutual society that doesn’t require the state.
Have a nice day!
Anarchists are not libertarians, at least not insofar as Americans understand libertarianism. The so-called Libertarian US party is right-libertarian. Anarchists are left-libertarian. Little-L libertarianism in this case refers to the opposite of authoritarianism.
But not all punks are anarchists anyway.
Neoliberalism however is an economic policy based on the renewal of classical liberalism and free market capitalism. It is a conservative ideology, shared by many Republicans and Democrats alike. Republicanism is based on classical liberalism.
Bespoke: You’ll become more Druid when you’re older.
The Roman salute is also known as the fascist salute.
Also, closer sounds tend to have more prominent transients, so you can use a transient shaper and automate the attack (if you’re working with something that’s not a sustained tone, that is).
Regarding your second paragraph: I think about that so much these days.
You didn’t miss once with this take.
This is how I understand what you’re saying: Over here we have the “musicians,” a title reserved for only those who play an instrument. On the other hand we have the “producers,” who make music on a computer, without an “instrument.”
But I say both make human music. And a computer can be an instrument. Drawing notes in MIDI is not much different than composing in Musescore. The producer is not unlike the classical composer, and I say both are musicians. And in a discussion on AI music vs. human music, why should we make a false dichotomy within human music anyway? “All models are wrong, but some are useful,” said George E. P. Box, statistician.
I think people have taken you as arguing in bad faith. I, and I assume many others, would agree with you that Suno AI is bad. I think AI is ethically uncouth. But your original comment seems to be making a false equivalency between AI music and sampling. I think I understand what you mean better, but I still disagree with your premise and think it’s a weak argument for fighting AI.
If we can resolve the ethical complications of AI, I agree, AI could be a net-positive, beneficial tool for learning and accessibility. Suno isn’t really that, though. It’s more like a vending machine.
Maybe you’re right, and as for people like yourself, who already know the emperor has no clothes, you don’t need to have to look at his nakedness. Others need to see him make a fool of himself. As for me, I like galvanizing people around these issues.
Dude, you’re the one drawing the lines at who gets to call themselves a musician and who is just a “different kind” of artist. As an “akshul” musician, by your definition, I think you’re mistaken and parroting some reactionary takes.
A few years ago, I switched from Logic to Reaper and haven’t looked back. Reaper may not be particularly pretty, but it is incredibly powerful. If Reaper’s look is a drag for you though, try out some different themes, like the Reapertips theme. Reaper is also cross-platform, so you aren’t beholden to macOS or Windows, and it runs on Linux.
Every now and then I feel a bit of envy for the modular sound design I see people do in Ableton or Bitwig, but there’s very little that I haven’t been able to replicate in Reaper, and when I need to, I use Cardinal for more intense modular sound design.
Based on my experience, there shouldn’t be any difference between distributing a long song vs. a short one. You may not have come across them in the wild because algorithms, like radio, tend to favor 3-4 min songs.