Barabas [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2020


  • I used to be bored at work as I had too much downtime, so I decided to just accept more duties. Was nice to be able to solve problems learn new things and it made the time go faster. But you just keep getting more and more work and responsibilities heaped on you for doing a good job, and absolutely nobody notices it until you start falling apart. Then all of a sudden people you’ve never heard of are ‘concerned’ about you. At this point I am burnt out and do even less work than when I was bored, but the difference is that it also drains me.

    The lesson is to never try to work at or around full capacity. Don’t fall into the trap of being bored and deciding to take on more work.

  • People point out that Churchill was against Hitler ‘from the beginning’ as some great moral stance when the reason was that he was a German imperialist and the Anglos didn’t want anyone else at the table.

    Opinions on Churchill is a great litmus test for anyone who is ‘into’ WW2. Your average Joe will only have seen the hagiographies, but you don’t have to scratch further than millimetres under the surface to find this kind of shit.

    I used to listen to ‘historiepodden’ and was annoyed at some of the libbery and such, but not a lot of history podcasts that focus on Swedish history around. But I had to drop it after one of the hosts went on a rant about how great an injustice it was that the Brits voted Churchill out of office as he was such a great man.