I just know the second I click any of these links I’m goanna hear Rick Astley.
I just know the second I click any of these links I’m goanna hear Rick Astley.
Until we figure out humanoid robots all people are biological and trans women are women, so…
LED is light emitting diode and refers to the method of displaying pixels, it doesn’t stand for display as your comment seems to imply. You probably mean LCD (liquid cristal display) /display/.
Beans on toast.
The issue is mostly due to the fact that those who don’t drink because of existing damage to liver etc from alcohol or those who cannot drink for other medical reasons are included in the data. If you control for existing health issues then the results show that drinking more alcohol decreases life expectancy.
No, I think it’s a good idea but I’m fine with plant based alts. I think it’s a lot better than having to kill animals for food but still seems like a lot of extr steps when you can just eat plants and stuff mad from plants without requiring a biological reactor, and lab. I would also assume that the process requires at least some more energy or resorces than regular food processing methods. So it wouldn’t win any points on that front. I was raised vegan for context, so I’ve never actually tasted real meat and don’t see any reason to try it now, lab grown or not.
If your looking for hardware components, adafruit.com has many prebuilt modules that are (mostly) usable without soldering. There’s also sites like thepihut.com that sell similar things but from other manufactures too. There’s also mouser but that’s just for the individual components which you would have to construct a circuit for yourself.
If you have no or very little experience then you’ll likely find it more difficult than you expect, make sure you know what your doing and try to find exact instructions for everything. Basically don’t try to design or modify things yourself.
In Scotland it already can.
There is a config option that doesnt share passwords, “as marked by password managers” idk how well it works but it might block that behavior. On the PC side in clipboard configs in kde connect.
You have to scan your student card on entrance and exit but I think it gets messed up if someone gets put through by the desk staff without scanning.
Can’t wait for “The second American civil war - Oversimplified’”. Coming soon.
The speed at which new users can download Rufus and have linux installed over that shit is truly amazing.
Just windows, I had windows 10 installed on my laptop and was constantly fighting with windows update so when the system broke (wouldn’t boot) I finally installed Ubuntu. These days I use arch BTW.
You can just open them, all the ones at my Uni have tubular locks that can be opened as fast as using the key.
My laptops are encrypted in case they get stolen or someone gets access to them at uni.