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Discord for Japanese-style role-playing game (JRPG) discussion:
It has a strong 80’s vibe, so I was immediately attracted to it for that alone. I didn’t recall having much nostalgia for the original track, “Dear to the Heart,” and I still can’t parse whether I didn’t realize it or the synthwave here retroactively implanted it in my head.
Honestly, the original soundtrack wasn’t my favorite Final Fantasy soundtrack. Usage of music in video games has improved so much since then, and there weren’t many who knew what they were doing placing and looping music in games once composers started leaving chiptunes behind in the mid 90’s and were producing longer tracks with more real-world sound. Rebirth’s soundtrack is such an impressive project. The sheer size of it is colossal, and then they put dynamic music layering on top of a lot of it, even in quiet scenes. All the while, it somehow simultaneously fits the variety theme of the gameplay while evoking memories of the original game. Crazy.
I’d be very surprised if Tactics is getting a full remake; this is likely more of a case of “remake/remaster” tending to be interchangeable terms in video game media and casual gaming discussion.
I’d expect to see something like the Tactics Ogre Reborn treatment. Final Fantasy Tactics desperately needs an orchestrated soundtrack like that project’s.
Great to hear! I struggled a bit with the first two Sky games but the Crossbell games completely blew me away. Azure’s one of my all-time favorites.
By the way, if you haven’t seen it, there is a major scene for Randy (along with Wazy and Rixia) if you select him for the final bonding event in Azure. Easy to miss stuff, should be findable on YouTube, etc.
If it makes any difference, I don’t have major compulsions/FOMO to do open world content. I even regret doing as much of the Enemy Skill farming as I did. So it felt well and truly optional to me. I set most of it aside.
Thanks for bringing this up. I drift in and out of Rimworld every now and then and I just realized I never did pick up this DLC.
How’d you like Crossbell?
I had major problems with Remake myself, mostly stemming from punishing encounter design and them padding out a 6+ hour section into a full game. The catwalk lights, the lab, and other stuff obliterated the pacing, and it was painfully obvious how much better the dungeon design based on the original content was when compared to the new stuff.
The good news is, in Rebirth, that 1:1 remake feeling is front and center if you want it, instead supplemented this time by optional content. I felt like I had much more room to put together materia builds, and it has one of the best video game soundtracks I’ve ever heard. I’d be over the moon if they did a version of Final Fantasy VI that felt like most of Rebirth did.
Except for the limit breaks. Why they didn’t give those full target tracking and allowed them to whiff is an outright bizarre design decision (along with the constant splitting of the party).
For !, it’s a big enough category that it should be more active than it is. The corresponding subreddits for JRPGs and retro gaming aren’t super far apart at 255k and 404k subscribers respectively, but ! is more active by orders of magnitude here on Lemmy.
I’ve started to focus more on discussion prompts in the community as news isn’t enough; the JRPG community has been an excellent news aggregator for over a year now (although it’s a slow news time for the genre currently). I’d love to hear from other niche communities about what’s worked and what hasn’t to drive engagement.
Had the same thought. Plus, according to some of these reviews, there’s no information age units, so that gives them a possible fourth era to work with in upcoming DLC.
Civ7 does indeed use Denuvo. Concerning for a game like this with far more CPU usage than your typical game.
For me, Civ6 at launch felt like a couple steps forward and a couple steps back. I really appreciated the increased transparency with diplomacy, but the AI was aggressively bad in mid and late-game, something they never ended up getting right.
Just like they wouldn’t the last time…and the time before that…and the time before that…
It’s not a thing at outlets like these. Paid promo from influencers and independent reviews are not the same thing.
FC 24 did well even after they lost the FIFA license. Something else going on here.
Still thoroughly sucked into Pathfinder: Kingmaker. At least I’ve stopped poking around in side areas now, just focusing on advancing the main story. Also doing companion quests. This might be the longest not-live-service game I’ve ever played? I think I still have at least two more full chapters to go.
Like a lot of PC reviewers now, they’ve separated out their technical coverage; here’s PC Gamer’s tech review. But yes, even a couple sentences on it would have been nice.
In short, expect better performance from Nvidia GPUs, possibly until third parties get XeSS/FSR up and running; don’t expect full support for hardware enthusiasts, and don’t try it on the Deck unless you’re okay with the absolute lowest settings.
The only reason I’ve been commenting at all the past couple years, lol.
We still have a ways to go before reaching the inflation-adjusted, $150-per-game peak of mass market games in the 1990’s. A key difference is games back then had way higher marginal cost (it’s near zero now).
The interesting thing is that the market is becoming a lot more like it was back then, full of people that only buy one or two games a year and only play those. Of course now, the model is retaining players with DLC and MTX, whereas in 1995 it was more because people could only afford one or two games a year.
Ughh. The selective enforcement is maddening, both with this and TikTok. So much of the filed complaint especially applies to Roblox, but it’s clear that we’re only interested in protecting our consumers when it really means chipping away at a foreign rival’s burgeoning soft power.
A 10-foot USB cable. Most people use whatever’s packed in with their electronics, and it’s pretty rare to get anything longer than 6 feet. Having the extra length is really nice in many situations.
It’s also one of my go-to inexpensive gifts or part of a care package for someone in the hospital. The extra length there is often the difference between being able to use a device while it’s charging or not.
The full slideshow is a great collection of data, really interesting stuff if you’re interested in gaming biz.
That said, while I’m sure PC enthusiasts (among the larger gaming audiences here at Lemmy and Reddit) will be thrilled to see PC gaming rising while mobile is falling, the actual revenue breakdown is less exciting. PC growth is driven by a larger percentage than ever of microtransactions.
Much of the presentation is centered around “black hole games,” which make up a ton of the market and are extremely difficult to pull users away from. Sad when a lot of the strategy seems to be about cost-cutting and getting better percentages from the storefronts rather than making better games.
This is a great example of how some retro-style projects get it and some don’t. The successful projects are the one that have the feel of the games you used to play in the context of today’s gaming, not the ones that do a historically accurate, 1:1 conversion. There’s an art to it.