• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • There are so many good Neil Peart lyrics it’s hard to choose a favourite.

    This one is definitely in my top 5:


    In the high school halls

    In the shopping malls

    Conform or be cast out


    In the basement bars

    In the backs of cars

    Be cool or be cast out

    Any escape might help to smooth

    The unattractive truth

    But the suburbs have no charms to soothe

    The restless dreams of youth

  • Try the ScrubDaddy power paste that comes with the sponge. I had a stain on my kitchen work surface from a blue raspberry slush that the kids spilled. Nothing would remove it but the power paste and the soft side of the sponge brought it right off with no scrubbing at all. And no harsh chemicals or risk of accidentally getting bleach spots on clothing etc.

    Spray bleach is great for cleaning things like the inside of the washing machine rubber seal or the sealant around the bath etc. but make sure it’s completely rinsed off afterwards.

  • Definitely have a go of the CeraVe SA smoothing cream. A little goes a long way and it will work miracles for dry skin. You can use it all over your body too. I’ve got a big pot of the stuff and it lasts ages. They also have moisturisers with SPF which you can use together with the SA cream. The foaming oil cleanser or the hydrating cleanser would be great for you.

  • When they first introduced these, my brother thought it was a defect and ripped it off. It leaves a pretty sharp bit of plastic behind and he cut his hand when he screwed the lid back on. I get the idea behind them (it’s so you have to recycle the cap along with the bottle) but there’s got to be a better way than this. It makes it a pain to pour a drink or drink directly from the bottle.