I’m an avid user of OSM and OsmAnd, I’m with you there
I’m an avid user of OSM and OsmAnd, I’m with you there
Well apparently they ask for directions to your destination and 5 random others so that it’s not trackable server side.
I haven’t investigated myself and that’s not entirely fool proof, but it’s leagues better than Google for privacy.
Yep, I can agree with that. Not ideal
Apple actually integrates several “anti tracking” technologies into their maps, so it IS an improvement in theory.
Yes, that’s not great, so ideally there’s an asterisk showing this…
But if you look at the playing field as out exists today in advertising….
It’s not really useable to change political beliefs or support authoritarianism.
It’s not tracking you explicitly.
It’s not profiling you.
It’s relevant to what you’re already looking for
There aren’t many scams you can run with it (except the locksmith scam)
Soooooo, if I have to accept advertising, this feels on the tamer end.
But I agree, it should be upfront.
So I don’t actually mind this.
And odds are good you won’t notice them.
They’ll just be carefully highlighted locations when you’re looking at a larger map, so the random buildings that get labeled in the more zoomed out views are chosen carefully.
It gets better, when you search for “restaurants near me” the order won’t be organic but “pay to win”
So “restaurant chain #5” will be at the top even if you hate their food.
Not really awful as far as advertising goes.
Lossless transmission over longer distances
Oh good, I’m not the only one that caught that.
This feels like an intentional “oopsie”
I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong, and I still think that we need to vote with that in mind but…….
This is an intentional “oopsie”
Those are heavily customised, we’re talking raspberry pi’s here
The hardware virtualisation available for arm just isn’t there yet
The real story is the “parallel construction”
The police made up a story to invade his privacy, and lied about their real reason for the warrant.
Every officer involved in that lie should be arrested and forbidden from police work.
Because Google is going to play both sides.
They’ll look at the geo location of your ip v and name it based on where you’re from.
Not entirely different from changing the language to your local dialect.
Non issue and a distraction from real issues.
Stop giving this meaningless stupidity Any air time.
The solution came during the budget crisis of 2330 when the Brawndo corporation simply bought the FDA and the FCC, enabling them to say, do and sell anything they wanted
Also, there are some “former crypto miner“ boards that are configured with SUPER wide slots for video cards exactly like this.
They’re great and cheap used because nobody wants them.
If I have to build a second one, that’s my next path.
I have some nvlinks on the way.
Sooooo I’ve got a friend that used pcie-oculus and then back to pcie to allow the cards to run outside the case, but that’s not what I do, that’s just the more common approach.
You can also get pcie extension cables, but they’re pricey.
I stumbled upon a cubix device by chance which is a huge and really expensive pcie bus extender that does some really fancy fucking switching. But I got that at a ridiculous price and they’re hard to come by.
If I do it right, I could host 10 cards total (2 in the machine and 8 in the cubix)
This also means that I’m running 3x 1600w psu’s and I’m most at risk for blowing breakers (adding in a 240V line is next lol)
I’m rocking 4 used ones from 4 different people.
So far, all good
You can’t buy 3090’s new anymore anyways.
4090’s are twice as much for 15% better perf, and the 5090’s will be ridiculous prices.
2x3090 is more than enough for basic inference, I have more for training and fine tuning.
You want epyc/threadrupper etc.
You want max pcie lanes.
Given the price of P40’s on eBay vs the price you can get 3090’s for, fuck the P40’s, in rocking quad 3090’s and they kick ass.
Also, Pascale is the OLDEST hardware supported……… for how long?
Also, you’ll want to look for strange specific things to host multiple 3090’s etc… on your motherboard You want a lot of pcie lanes from your chip and board. You want above 4g decoding (fairly common in newer hardware)
I’d be hesitant to call it bullshit, but it’s certainly not a smoking gun.
Fair enough. Still nuts.
Why put ads on a new venue that may reach users that don’t use Google maps?
Even if that ad is less effective, it’s still going to have some effectiveness