Oh, it’s out already? I thought we would have to wait for another year or 2 for it.
Oh, it’s out already? I thought we would have to wait for another year or 2 for it.
All they have to do is to add mouse steering, like on PC Halo games.
And how do you found a start up with no money, genius?
Au moins ce n’est pas Canal+, j’imagine ?
Well Wolfenstein: The New Order is the other classic to do just that!
And the other problem is that it’s so unpopular, even “offline archives” are hard to find.
Damn that look good, but I’m just confused now. Wasn’t the creator bought out then became a “freelancer” working on other projects?
Yeah, what’s a little light genocide and healthy war of aggression to keep people happy? 🥰
That’s what the Kelvin Timeline was supposed to be about, yet they choose to bring this style to the prime timeline with Discovery instead of keeping it contained…
Honestly, with them pushing shows that most fans keep disliking over shows that are widely loved, I think they’d rather sink than ever let that guy go.
They kinda did the same back then with Bearman.
I did notice some slowdown fetching new posts last week in the all page from my instance, but locally it was fine.
Its seems to have gotten better since 2 or 3 days ago.
Show us the answers please!
Attic apartment it seems, I hope the summers will be kind on you!
I certainly did learn something out of this!
I’ll not use that word this way anymore, I understand more now.
That is true, if you use it against disabled poeple. I only use it against moronic able poeple who should know better.
There is nothing wrong with the word “retard”, don’t let corporations push their double speak.
Yes, but I do prefer the very accurate division system for Warno, and the absence of contemporary “prototype” units like the rafale.