• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Serious question;

    Am I over-thinking it to be skeeved out by the phrase “blacks” for Trump?

    It’s basically saying that their main defining characteristic as a group is their colour rather than anything about who they are culturally.

    It would be like a politician here in Canada courting the indigenous vote by holding a rally called “Reds for Pollieve” or something.

    I don’t see that really being talked about or mentioned and wonder am I just over-thinking it? Or is it just that it’s just one more fucked up thing that gets buried under a dozen other fucked up things…

  • I think Married With Children has managed to come through unscathed because of Ed O’Neil and who he is as a person. He’s so much the opposite of Al Bundy and has always been very open about that. The show as a result falls into that same category as South Park or All in the Family; We understand that the jokes are meant to be satire via absurdity; It’s so over the top and the actor is so different in real life that we just get it.

    Compare that to something like Home Improvement, where we know that the humour isn’t meant to be absurdist, and we know that Tim Allen really is a douche.

  • The way I explain it to people who say that to me is that it doesn’t even have to be something illegal or sketchy.

    Everyone…and I mean everyone has something about themselves that, were it common knowledge, would change the way your friends and family look at you. Maybe for the better. Maybe not. And if you, for whatever reason, don’t want that they be known, then so be it. That’s totally your decision, not the governments.

    If you want to let your freak flag fly proudly, go ahead. You have my full love and support. If you want to fly your freak flag privately and not have it be common knowledge. You also have my full love and support.

    It’s not about “having something to hide”. It’s about the you that you choose to present to the world. And that is a fundamental right.

  • That allows the people to get their hate out, and resets the playing field for the next election cycle when people realize the Conservatives haven’t done shit all to make life more affordable.

    Traditionally this hasn’t been how Canadian politics has played out. We tend to have long running federal governments over single term governments except in cases of extremely disastrous political results (ie. forcing an early election by a vote of non-confidence, etc…)

    Canadian voters seem to be very very patient. It won’t matter how shitty PP and the Cons are as a government, voters will keep on electing them in for a decade or more before finally having enough. Same as we did with the Liberals, and same as we did with Harper before that.

  • Honestly, our moon.

    I firmly believe that our moon gives us the solar system in short order.

    Fuel in the form of Helium-3 (if we can figure that out). Plenty of building material. Much lower gravity well that will allow larger payloads into it’s orbit and larger ships to be constructed. As well as that lower gravity well meaning better fuel efficiency in launching just about any trajectory to anywhere else in the solar system.

    Once we have the Moon, we’re 90% of the way to a solar system spanning species. Mars is cool, but not useful in any real sense other than bragging rights.

  • Actually. As someone who worked in a small radio station news department for a pretty long time, I’m actually not accusing them of malfeasance as much as I’m accusing them of “over-eagerness” if that makes sense.

    There’s just too much information floating around thanks to every Tom, Dick and Harry having a blog, or a tik tok, or a twitter account, all claiming to be “insiders” in one way or another. Far too much for the media to be able to properly vet every single piece of information that they get thoroughly. And it leads to mistakes.

    But as an ex-media person, I aver that it’s not the media “making shit up” as the narrative nowadays seems to be. It’s more that they are reporting everything faster than ever in the hopes of beating the competition and as a result getting a lot of things wrong.

    Does it make them complicit…absolutely. They need to do better. But it make them the “evil” ones. No. Not at all. The boots on the ground, so-to-speak, the everyday journalist’s job, passion, raison d’etre has always been to report the news and bring it to the people. To speak truth to power and all that rigamarole. The problem is that there’s too much information floating around to do that properly anymore.