Same here, but I figured he’s the biggest loser for driving Twitter into the ground. I thought even he would be stung losing $40B.
Now, to my great regret, I love my swasticar 🙁
Same here, but I figured he’s the biggest loser for driving Twitter into the ground. I thought even he would be stung losing $40B.
Now, to my great regret, I love my swasticar 🙁
can a president all by himself decide
That’s a really good question about a lot of things this administration is doing. As always, it’s some variation of no, but does that matter if no one enforces it?
I don’t if there is specific law, but I read an article a few weeks back detailing the dual process. Name changes should start locally and work their way up to Congress, then to be signed by the president. Obviously the Gulf of Mexico doesn’t have locals, but what happened to Congress? For Denali, it not only overrides the locals but ignores all the due process that went into changing the name.
However, I can see some small amount of blame to Biden for setting a good/bad example. Apparently the change from McKinley to Denali was a local request, locally voted, passed by Alaska congress, an entire process of making sure locals are heard. Then it sat in our dysfunctional Congress for years without any action. Joe Biden signed and went ahead despite it not coming from Congress. He did the right thing for the local people who had been requesting the name change for so long, and Congress clearly abdicated their duty. However, technically he set a bad example proceeding with something that should have come through Congress
Where do they think Trump is from?
I also don’t see how anyone could possibly feel like they trust this guy. He has a long history as a real estate grifter tax evader, and a reputation for stiffing contractors. If you ever listen to him speak, it shouldn’t take more than a couple sentences to realize it’s all BS. There’s literally decades of news article on him being a con man Plus, doesn’t anyone remember his disaster of a first term?
If this were my decision, I’d put batteries as the top decision factor.
If your devices are battery powered, Zigbee/z-wave will last several times WiFi devices before you need to replace the battery. I would get frustrated with this very quickly.
If your devices are plugged in to a reliable source of power, then obviously this is not a factor. Or maybe phrase that the other way: if your devices are WiFi, future you will thank present you if you can find a way to plug them in
The difference is testing to grade the schools and defining tests to measure a standard that all schools must meet. That doesn’t make all of what you said disappear (and that’s an administrative issue) but changing the focus can make standardized tests useful. Regardless of any shortcomings there’s a bigger problem in quality of education in different schools, districts, regions, states and we can’t fix what we can’t identify.
pay and work conditions are not commensurate climbing class sizes, the teacher “shortage” stopped teaching children to read
Those are indeed very likely to be some of the root causes. However if you can’t measure the results you can’t demonstrate you’ve succeeded, addressing all of these doesn’t mean you’ve succeeded, there are most likely other issues to be addressed as well. Standardized testing to measure schools gives a way to identify where things are falling short, gives a way to demonstrate the success in correcting these issues, and gives a way to identify where that is not happening or where that is not enough
As a teacher, you probably can’t do anything about class sizes. As a teacher, if there were anything you could do to increase teacher pay, you’d already be doing it. There need a to be a way to hold a school, a community, a district accountable for a school that can reach a standard bar. That starts with a way to measure whether they are.
You may also argue there are better ways, such as professional audits or evaluations but those aren’t scalable and have not been working.
Yeah I know standardized tests aren’t popular with a lot of people, especially teachers. Teaching to the test is a failure of your administration but I have no idea how to fix that.
But the much bigger problem is how uneven the quality of education is across different schools, different states, different regions. There needs to be a way to set the bar: every school needs to at least teach the kids x, or the school needs attention.
My state does standardized testing and there’s certainly resistance, but I think they’ve generally succeeded in using it to grade the school, not the kid. And yes they’ve succeeded in identifying schools for more attention and I believe this has helped improve our education level. Then again, education is a priority here so everyone might be a little more motivated than in many other places
How else do you find where a school, a district, an entire state is lacking? If you don’t know, how can you do something about it? I understand this is the type of interference from the federal government that certain areas don’t like but if you’re not teaching your kids then your local priorities are crap and need to be reconsidered. Or your local funding is crap and needs to be reconsidered. Or you need additional help. It’s ok for a school or a district to have a problem but it’s not ok to just leave it like that and that’s where a higher level Department of Education can make a difference. There’s a limit to your local preferences and it’s not ok to harm your kids’ future
My state’s education system is generally ranked at the top in the US but your kids deserve that too
I read it’s something like typical $5 price difference and z-wave have to pass compatibility tests
I initially went with z-wave because
But I ended up with both, no problem, and will soon add Thread.
I strongly prefer local networks instead of WiFi so I know they’re not calling home, it’s cleaner separation, and allows battery devices
I also haven’t seen any problems with either my z-wave mesh or my Zigbee mesh, but it’s an interesting tell that several network troubleshooting features have been added to Home Assistant over the last year or two
While I don’t have a good real life answer since I haven’t done that, the newest z-wave devices have a long range mode for exactly this type of thing and at least on paper have well over this range. You might do so research on those and look for those devices specifically
But if your phone doesn’t have great signal across the entire house a lightswitch inside of a metal box in the wall is going to be worse.
I hesitated expecting exactly this, but so far it’s worked flawlessly.
My house is older construction with very dense walls, and yes all the switch boxes are metal. When I enter my house, cell coverage drops to one bar and might goto zero as I walk around the house (thank goodness for WiFi assist). WiFi disappears as I go through certain doorways so I need a mesh and mesh routers about 10-15’ apart can’t communicate with each other. Back when cordless phones were a thing, they would only cover a room, although interestingly 900MHz was the best cordless phone frequency and higher frequencies had worse range. My house is horrible for radio signals.
But both Zigbee and zWave have worked really well. It probably helps that my first priority was smart switches, which are one or more repeaters in every room and more likelihood of straight lines through doorways, but it just works. Much better than WiFi.
And with home assistant, it’s easy to have both
Self-protection is usually a good motivator and US checks and balances are based on it. But now we’re finding out what happens when the court rules the president has no limits and Congress isn’t interested in their constitutional authority to make laws and allocate money. When all the branches, all the levels, just bow down to the authoritarian, what can you do? When they’re not interested in protecting their own authority, what can you do? They’re all complicit in delivering fascism
It’s a good point that we all live in different places with different variations of issues
It’s rare here to see cars in the sidewalk but there was this one house that consistently did it for a while
At least around here, people with mobility aids are expected to be with pedestrians, on the sidewalk. Looking at relative speeds and agility: cars are different from bicycles are different from pedestrians. Mobility aids are similar to pedestrians and pedestrians have equal access regardless of whether they need a mobility aid
Unless you mean golf carts. And yes, I’d like to see a whole set of roads for those. Or maybe they’re similar in speed to bicycles so we just need bigger bike lanes
a little more than 10% of the undocumented immigrants in the USA
Estimated. Let’s not lose sight of the reality that no one knows
I for sure don’t know anyone illegally and never will, even if I have to hold my hands over my ears and yell “La LA LA LA LA, I CANT HEAR YOU”
I always assume she’s somewhat a victim. Sure, she chose to sell herself but it can’t be an easy job
Or is it just another example of Trumps “business experience”? Anyone who has worked long enough has experienced “management through terror” where the starting point is being angry on the idea that a terrorized person will scramble to get it done and will do anything to avoid being the target of that anger. Usually you’d have to switch jobs to find a less toxic environment but that may well be a secondary goal here
An additional “tactic” we’ve seen from Trump repeatedly, is to establish a scapegoat first. Then anytime you change your mind you have a ready target to blame
Yet another habit we’ve seen from Trump is to set a goal or targets without any regard for reality. Whatever his target, if he has one, was it ever realistic? Has he allocated resources to make it possible?
Well …… it can use your iPhone (and Apple Watch) as a key, it can use your iPhone over Bluetooth, and it has an iPhone app that can do many things.
…. Just not CarPlay