• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • How does any of what happened happen if the lib dems refuse the coalition? Cameron’s government collapses before it causes any real harm.

    Exactly, they fell for the lies, continued happily falling for them and operated in lockstep with the Tories for the whole 5 year duration of the coalition. They accomplished nothing they promised and could have even thrown the coalition out once it was obvious and limited the damage they were causing—they did not. The absolute most charitable way of looking at them is completely oblivious imbeciles, and frankly is that who anyone should be voting for?

    Holy shit the lib dems were not victims in the scenario, they enabled the whole bloody thing. They’re demonstrably spineless, stand for nothing and couldn’t resist grasping at the tiny bit of power they got no matter how much damage it caused to everything they were voted in to achieve.

  • Well fair play, I’ve lived in labour strongholds for the past two decades so perhaps that’s why I’ve never seen it from labour, but anecdotally it’s always predominantly lib dems in these lists (e.g. per the BBC articles linked in the posted video description).

    Personal rant regarding your options: (feel free to disregard entirely as this is obviously opinionated)

    For what it’s worth that’s a sucky situation with both the Tory dominance (by the by, where on earth are you that’s still polling that highly for them?!) as well as your labour candidate, but I personally can’t ever forgive the lib Dems for making the Tories king in 2010 in the first place and enabling this decade and a half of shit we have all been enduring. Without them Cameron’s minority Tory government collapses within a year or two.

    But hey, at least they delivered on their campaign promises that were their red lines for going into the coalition!

    Freeze university fees? Nah how about triple them. Alternative voting system? Nah let’s let the Tories scare the general public off the idea for the foreseeable future—oh and give the vote leave con artists (No to AV had the very same people behind it) their practice referendum so they know exactly what to do with the Brexit one, which would likely never have happened if the lib dems didn’t form the coalition.

    They not only failed to deliver on every promise they campaigned on, they reneged on each in the absolute worst possible way.

    I voted for lib dems in 2010 and I’ve never regretted a vote more, and will never make the mistake of supporting them in any way again. I and millions of others will not ever forget all this, so now the only thing they’re demonstrably good for is attracting disillusioned Tory voters away from voting their usual way.

  • Even in this video the presenter details how they often used values from completely unrelated elections because it made them look better.

    Worth highlighting that the more egregious manipulation from the Lib Dems would not be in a constituency where they actually stand a chance (where the video presenter is based and used as a source for his leaflets). The worst is when they’re solidly in third, where they misrepresent their position and cynically try to take votes away from the actual alternative contender—you see more cases of that in the articles linked in the video description

  • I mean, I’m definitely not defending this massively overpriced bag, but an artist can spend less than a hundred on materials to make a piece of art, and it sells for millions

    The value of the materials and even the labour that goes into making it are not the only things that determine the value of luxury items, value is heavily determined by scarcity in one way or another.

    For the piece of art, this is actual scarcity, there may only be one. For the bag, the scarcity is somewhat crazily generated by the RRP meaning many won’t buy it and therefore creating the scarcity to justify the value.

    It’s kinda a microcosm of capitalism, where value is created by the perception of value.

  • 9point6@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldstained teeth
    23 hours ago

    I kinda hate that this is a question that needed to be asked

    Everything clever someone does with a camera is now gonna be met with: “is this just AI?”

    I guess it was “is this photoshopped?” before, but that still implied someone did something clever