Seemingly every interaction this man has with a normal person is him finding newer and more interesting ways of declaring himself an absolute moron.
How the fuck is he the de facto president of the USA?
Seemingly every interaction this man has with a normal person is him finding newer and more interesting ways of declaring himself an absolute moron.
How the fuck is he the de facto president of the USA?
Elon probably thinks
Not really sure he does, I think he’s clearly paying others to do that for him
For some completely unrelated reason my brain previously interpreted the space as a comma
Which is still a silly dose but not quite at heroic levels
Fuck me
That’s like half an ounce all at once
Not wasting time
The meaning of life is to enjoy it.
You do you fam, and keep doing it
C’mon pug, there’s a lot more going on here and you know it
The problem is you’d need to split it down to an amount that people would be happy hosting and then host it multiple times in case any node goes offline.
Another comment in the thread says it’s likely over 100PB today (100,000 terabytes). I’d say 4 copies (spread over different time zones) is a relatively minimal level of redundancy (people may host on machines that aren’t powered all the time), and I reckon you’d get a network with the most participants, whilst still getting enough storage, at around the 150gb per node mark.
That comes to nearly 3 million participants needed just to cover today’s archive, new people will obviously need to join every day. Also given I imagine it would need to be open to all, the redundancy level could do with increasing to avoid malicious actors with a lot of resources taking on a lot of the network and forcing it all offline at once in an effort to cause data loss
Nothing here is insurmountable, but also not remotely easy
ActivityPub seems like the wrong tool for this job
You’re more looking for a decentralised distributed file system/object store as the base for this.
And it’s going to require a lot of participants in the network to get to the storage capacity and redundancy necessary for it to function well
No, their protest votes were not meaningless
They actively put trump in the whitehouse.
The American electoral system gives a voter the choice of potentially improving things (Dem) or actively making things worse (Rep). Given FPTP and the heavy use of propaganda, all other options (spoiling, abstaining, third party voting) equate to a republican vote, there is no other reality.
If an American did not vote Democrat in the election that just passed, they voted for complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the gutting of human rights in the USA—they didn’t even try to hide what they were going to do this time. There is zero excuse.
Yes I’m sure the investigation will:
Good, hopefully they’ve also covered any loopholes where it gets funneled through a local organisation
Edit: oh nice, they’ve put a total limit on contributions that can be received by a party regardless of origin. Very cool. That is how you run a civilised country.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Swedish fish outside of America
They are not impartial on this one
Somewhat telling the oldest person that would fall for his bullshit is barely adult
When are those shady 3 letter orgs gonna get involved to remediate this very obvious threat to their continued operation?
Hey, you guys ever heard of brain drain?
Because we’ve got a nice Europe over here ready to show you some humanity
I mean, I don’t think an advert needs to be illuminated at all, frankly
There’s only one fediverse, everyone doesn’t have to talk to each other
Arch and TempleOS being in the same sentence is pretty apt
Both are weirdly religious
The statement “this [guy] thinks the government uses SQL” demonstrates a complete and total lack of knowledge as to what SQL even is. Every government on the planet makes extensive and well documented use of it.
The initial statement I believe is down to a combination of the above and also the lack of domain knowledge around social security. The primary key on the social security table would be a composite key of both the SSN and a date of birth—duplicates are expected of just parts of the key.
If he knew the domain, he would know this isn’t an issue. If he knew the technology he would be able to see the constraint and following investigation, reach the conclusion that it’s not an issue.
The man continues to be a malignant moron