• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Here in the Netherlands they accuse people of being a ‘deugmens’ which literally translates as being a ‘virtuehuman’, a human with virtues. Except for possible pretentiousness, having virtues is hardly a bad thing, quite the opposite. Being politically correct has negative connotations, but most of the time it’s very easy to explain why something is politically incorrect, because the incorrect route has often proven in the past to be disastrous. People used to talk about ‘political correctness gone mad’ but now very often any political correctness is deemed bad. Woke is considered by some to be one of the worst insults you can get, but waking up and seeing that there is terrible inequity in this world, seeing that we are very whatever-centric in our thoughts/actions and questioning all that, is hardly a bad thing. Now the question is, do we need to reappropriate these words, reclaim and reframe them, or should we ignore them and move beyond them because people have been so deeply conditioned with ‘woke=bad’ no questions asked.

  • After decades long alliannce-building, the US don’t seem to value them anymore. It’s a strange phenomenon where someone works so hard for such a long time, only to throw it all away some day. Trump frames it all as if the US is being taken advantage of. The truth is that the US gets tremendous benefits from it’s central position of power. If the US breaks away from their alliances, they risk the tides turning against them. If the US is being taken advantage of by appararently all others countries in the world, isn’t it remarkable how it’s doing so well economically? That normal folks aren’t doing well is not a consequence of the economy as a whole not doing well, because by comparison it’s doing phenomenal. It’s because all the money goes to companies and shareholders.

  • TIL: Abdullah Gül

    Though I find the predecesor before Gül even more interesting: Ahmet Necdet Sezer. Apparently he was the last secular president of Turkey. “During receptions at the presidential palace, Sezer refused to allow women wearing the headscarf to attend citing the laws on the separation of religion and state at the time; this resulted in the wives of Abdullah Gül and Erdoğan, Hayrünnisa Gül and Emine Erdoğan respectively, being barred from attendance. Erdoğan later said in public that he had ‘suffered a lot’ from Sezer.[3]” So he refused the wives of who would be his successors.

    During the 2014 presidential election, won by Erdoğan, Sezer openly refused to vote, citing the lack of a secularist candidate as his reason” Turkey has a strong secularist tradition and I really hope it returns sometime. Atatürk is still being celebrated, but do people still believe in his secular ideals?

  • e$tGyr#J2pqM8v@feddit.nltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAI Training
    19 days ago

    Yes, even when people copy eachother they don’t have the same output. And some individuals are mighty excentric, for instance Picasso. But most people stick almost entirely to what they see and only differentiate by means of the mistakes they make, not by intended originality. From the moment people are born they start copying everything they see. With a head full of mirror neurons we tend to live our lifes exactly the same, and the differences only stand out because they’re relative. From a distance we would all look, behave, be more or less the same. Copyright should be abolished. I’m all in favor of supporting artists and creators, support whoever you will out of free will, but don’t limit others freedom to copy you. If we can’t copy what others have done before us, then our culture is not free. It should be an honor to be copied, that means others like your idea and want to use it too. That’s how humans have always lived, that’s how we progress. it’s what has brought us this far. Let’s continue without bizarre copying limitations. If we can copy freely that means culture is free, it means we can learn from eachother, take eachothers ideas and creations, put them to use and expand upon them, sometimes inadvertently while trying to make an exact copy. This freedom will be to the benefit of us all, and the opposite is true aswel, intelectual property is to the detriment of us all.

    If you don’t want your work to be used by others, keep it private. Don’t show it to anyone. Keep your invention in your cellar and let nobody enter. If you want to share your ideas and creations, please do so. But you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t show what you’ve made and expect others to not use it as input and put it to use.

  • What about the least essential?

    1. Tax consultants - helping companies avoid contributing to society
    2. Marketeers - manipulating people into buying worse products for higher prices
    3. Middle management - causing a lot of fuzz while doing nothing of significance.

    Just to name a few. An artists contribution may be abstract but it’s certainly there. There are others that actively sabotage society and very often they make a lot of money.

  • Well, you can say that, but of course people do. It’s not like it’s a completely bizarre movement of the arm. It happens now and then and people are demonized because of it. I really don’t mean to defend Elon Musk, because I really wouldn’t mind him being guillotined, but to claim that everyone that’s been accused of doing a nazi salute, has intentionally done a nazi salute, is rather bizarre. We really don’t need this, in order to hate on Musk, he’s got all the hateability checks. There are plenty reasons that are far beyond any debate that would make him one of the most hated people on earth, and he deserves all of that. But the ‘see, it’s a nazi, here’s the proof <shows salute clip>’ won’t convince anyone that’s not already on board on hating him. The argument that it’s immoral to have over 400 billion, and that if he was a reasonable person he would give some shares to his employees, or lower prices, or distribute his money in power in whatever way possible because only a power hungry narcisistic maniac would hoard all this power, or whatever, is, I think, far more convincing than focussing on this awkward hand gesture.

  • Our Anarchy who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.

  • e$tGyr#J2pqM8v@feddit.nltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPeople are all different
    2 months ago

    I don’t think this is implied. The idea is probably that, like so many things, it’s on a spectrum and ‘asexual’ would describe one end of the spectrum. There is another end of the spectrum, but no one is saying everyone is on the outer end of it. But I must admit, I do somewhat share your sentiment, I’ve read lots of things by self-proclaimed asexuals in which I recognize myself, but I also think I have a quite average sexdrive. It makes me wonder if some people aren’t just a bit too eager to define themselves as different from the norm. I’m not talking about the further end of the spectrum, but there are those that really aren’t that different from your average person, but seem to want a box to fit in. Reading their description I would place them somewhere in the middle and still they describe themselves as asexual. Not that I care, go ahead, define yourself whatever way you want, if you want to think that you’re very different go ahead, it really doesn’t bother me, and who knows maybe you’re right, who am I to tell you you’re wrong?