Don’t take the short title too seriously; I could have said ‘encouraged’ instead of ‘enforced’, ‘rules’ instead of ‘habits’, whatever.

The point being, this is still a relatively small and young site where cultural change is possible. This opportunity doesn’t often come back. So, what culture do we want to have here?

Opening example: some sites require as a rule that a posted image must have a source or actor name given if it’s not OC. Myself, I sometimes intentionally avoid any compilation videos which don’t give sources, because I know it will take me down a hours-long rabbithole of discovery. Sourcing is already a global Community Guideline here, which is good to see.

    19 days ago

    I’d love some sort of verification for OC so at least we know if we are dealing with the actual person or some guy in a call center posting pics for 3 cents an hour