MABVI Be my Eyes like service is pausing.

For those not in the know, this was basically a free version of Aira ran on donations and trained volunteers. Not sure if everybody got the email, see below.

We regret to inform you that MABVI Be My Eyes will be pausing operations after Friday, August 9, as Shawn Welker, our program coordinator, pursues other career opportunities. Currently, we do not have someone with Shawn’s specialized expertise to take over operations for MABVI Be My Eyes.
We are so grateful for Shawn’s contribution to creating and growing the platform. He is a stellar visual interpreter and has the highest standards for this work.
We also thank all the dedicated volunteers who have honed their skills answering countless requests for visual assistance. We hope that you will continue this work in some way, and if we are able to re-start our platform, we will reach out to you.
We know that there are many people who rely on MABVI Be My Eyes for help with visual tasks great and small. We are sorry for the disruption that this may cause.
We are hopeful that in the future we will be able to rebuild our capacity to follow through on what Shawn started. It is painful to not move forward as quickly as possible, but we know that we don’t have the capacity currently.

@main @mastoblind