Combining your wallet (or credit cards) with your cellphone, is foolish and personally irresponsible.

I understand the idea of consolidation and easy access. But phone snatching is so prevalent these days, because of how mindless phone droning makes people unaware of their surroundings. You’re basically just including your ID, credit cards, etc into one neat little package.

Spread out your loss and theft surface.

  • Skull
    1 year ago

    I have almost everything in my wallet on my phone anyway. My health insurance pass even got replaced by an app ^1. I only carry my wallet in case my phone dies.

    I’ve never heard of phones being snatched, that must be a regional thing. I’ve heard of people getting robbed or pickpocketed, but if someone can steal your phone they’ll probably also steal your wallet anyway.

    ^1 I’m still mad about this, when you’re ill in a foreign country they basically tell you to call insurance so they can explain that the card is rea

      1 year ago

      Does your insurance even cover you in a foreign country? I know my work has a special policy that covers employees who travel abroad because our insurance won’t work there

      • Only up to local insurance tariffs; private clinics and USA level healthcare costs would be a problem but basic first aid posts should be fine. If I do need to go to a foreign country that charges more, I can buy travel insurance from the same company (or another, if I want to make my life more difficult). Worldwide insurance (including healthcare) costs like €42 per year, or about half that per holiday if I buy it separately.