I’m a big fan of cyclOSM bike maps, that I use in OSMAnd. Now I wanted to try Locus. Bur how do I use cyclOSM maps in Locus. As far as I know I need to import a XML file. But with which content?
Could someone help me please?
Thanks in advance
I’m a big fan of cyclOSM bike maps, that I use in OSMAnd. Now I wanted to try Locus. Bur how do I use cyclOSM maps in Locus. As far as I know I need to import a XML file. But with which content?
Could someone help me please?
Thanks in advance
Locus uses Openstreetmap data by default, what parts of CyclOSM and OSMAnd do you like? If you want to plan and import a route you probably want to export and then import a GPX file.
To add the CyclOSM map tiles as a layer, you do need to follow the instructions here
Using the tile server url displayed when you click the “i” information button on https://www.cyclosm.org
Thanks for your reply.
What I like about cyclOSM is that you have the distinction between the different types of bike lanes on the map.
I already know the links you provided. But I don’t know how to setup this in the Locus app. Can you or someone else guide me through this?
Unfortunately I don’t have the free time/energy but the links are written tutorials on how to set it up in Locus, you just have to follow each step and research any steps you don’t understand.