What is the best way to back up as much as possible of Debian 12 on my laptop to a server that has SSH available? I am currently backing up my users /home/<homedir> folder, but I would like to be able to nuke and restore the system from a backup.

I have ventoy on an external drive if that helps any.

P.S. I would like to be able to do incremental backups too.

  • frizop@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    no calls for restic? I use restic and a s3 layer on the other end, be it either backblaze/wasabi/s3/whatever for remote or minio/garage for local object storage. Stuff just works, then I write a systemd unit file to back it up according to whatever schedule I want for both a local target and a remote target. Helps to solve the 3-2-1 backup strategy this way. Good luck!