• Naomikho@monyet.cc
    1 year ago

    Joined my first board game session yesterday, and I have no regrets. Perfect for nerds like me.

    • dukeGR4@monyet.cc
      1 year ago

      I got permanently banned on reddit for making 2 haram jokes on r/all so I might as well be here T.T

        • dukeGR4@monyet.cc
          1 year ago

          I said “din du nuffin” and got banned for 7 days. Post was about a bunch of BLM Rioters commiting crimes and a bunch of people defending them or sth I left that ironic remark.

          The other one there was a very gay but funny thread. Everyone saying haram stuff like explicit description of sucking each other off on a meme sub and I said “that’s haram! Stone that b*tch!” I was permanently banned for inciting hatred and violence against marginalised communities.

    • Uno@monyet.cc
      1 year ago

      Did you hear? Reddit has decided to remove the awards feature :/

      I am truly so glad I jumped that ship before it sank.

      • DerpyPoint@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Ahhh that really sucks with all the coins down the drain. I still remember you could get Reddit gold by emailing their HQ with a postcard, sounds more cool than dishing out cash

  • OldManGenghis@monyet.cc
    1 year ago

    They didn’t believe me when I was actually sick because I took an MC just after Raya Haji. I inevitably infected 5 of my classmates with the flu.

    Anyways got nothing to do today, what movie do y’all recommend?

  • dukeGR4@monyet.cc
    1 year ago

    My partner wants to start vlogging and asked me to research cameras. I’ve gone full frame for a long time and have a Fuji X-Pro as my “daily” so haven’t really bothered with entry level APSCs.

    I’m sort of impressed with the options available on the market for those just starting out. May I say it’s probably the only type of product that is not subject to inflation. For example the Nikon Z30 is cheaper than the Canon 550D that I started out with 13 years ago, but the Z30 has so much more feature… I was just telling my partner how back in 2010 the only reliable way to film vlog is to carry a professional full frame body like 5D Mark 2, so close to 10000…

    There’s also dedicated Vlog point and shoots like the Sony ZV1 and 1F, and Canon Powershot V10. But -1 for no interchangeable lens and small sensor.

    I suppose video content creation is the next possible evolution for the camera world. Whilst phones can slap a ton of filter, max out their noise reduction on photos they can’t do that on videos. And that’s where the optically superior dedicated cameras come in.

      • dukeGR4@monyet.cc
        1 year ago

        the Nikon Z30 has extremely good built in mic, comes with noise suppression and a function that detects vocal range better. Watched Kai W’s video, surely it’s not as crisp as his dedicated wireless microphone, but you actually want that for VLOGs otherwise it sounds like you’re shouting all the time.

        yea, i’ve been telling my partner to start with a phone first to see if she likes it. The quality difference (at least in day light) is negligible compared to an APS-C with kit lens if you disregard depth of field. she’s very insistent on making the first move first by buying the camera. she also needs a video editing device, headache trying to work with a budget of around RM3k that has a dGPU and good colour accuracy and preferably 15/16inch. Proposing her to build a PC instead for cheaper.

        she does have a very niche, unconventional food-related content idea in mind, so i don’t want to dissuade her too much. I’ve never seen her being so excited about something to be honest.

  • siewyuk@monyet.cc
    1 year ago

    Argh knocked over my bottle of fish sauce while cooking and it broke. My kitchen smells of fish sauce and my countertop and floor is over seasoned. Hope the Palo turns out ok though

  • UltimateUsermaim@monyet.cc
    1 year ago

    Interesting…I tried bumble last night. I got 1 match. And 6 other accounts that like me but I haven’t like them yet.

    Apparently there’s a limit on how much like you can give. I reached mine. It feels like a ploy to get me to buy their premium service.

          • dukeGR4@monyet.cc
            1 year ago

            nah gen X is called sth like MTV or Lost generation or sth, it’s between boomer and millennial in other words

            • cendawanita@monyet.cc
              1 year ago

              Y’all hurting me in my millennial soul 😭

              (TLDR - age cohorts like this is a marketing invention to group american consumers based on generational media and product consumption patterns as well as lifestyle patterns. non-Americans born between … 1970-ish to 1995 or so will always be a little confused because technological change was so quick and uneven that global southies might have had a childhood like an older generation - because foreign/american media arrived slower but then as soon as the internet and satellite broadcasting arrived their patterns quickly kept up with their american age cohort.

              (Ok, all that established:

              Gen X is 1965-1979

              Millennials had the most amount of technological change in their lifetimes that there’s a sub-cohort:

              Xennials/Older Millennials: 1979-1982 (but this rly can be contested) they have Gen X childhoods but millennial young adult and onwards consumption - Malaysian xennials I think felt this change A LOT, imo

              Millennials - 1980/81 to 1995/96

              (Gen X - defined by Reality Bites, Prozac Nation

              Older Millennials - internet/being online

              Later Millennials - the internet they know is probably mostly Web 2.0)

              • dukeGR4@monyet.cc
                1 year ago

                we use age cohort a lot in my household cause my boomer dad keeps shitting on “Gen Ys” for buying bubble teas cause I really like bubble teas.

                That said, which age cohort is the best you reckon? anyone else feel free to share!

                I think mine (Late Millennial) is definitely the best :D Spent my early childhood playing sticks and eat shit outside then i get to play PS2. Then i moved to PC and played lots of classic RPG - World of Warcraft, Gunbound, Knight Online, RAN Online, Wolf Team etc. Fesbuk was at its peak too, less commercialised and it was strictly a social media platform. Truly the best of both worlds!

                • cendawanita@monyet.cc
                  1 year ago

                  my boomer dad keeps shitting on “Gen Ys” for buying bubble teas cause I really like bubble teas


                  I don’t think there’s a “best” cohort objectively, because subjectively for most people, it would be their childhood and young adult years 😝😆😆😆 I mean, for me, I’m nostalgic for proper mix tapes and Limewire hahahahhahaaha (TLDR the best age is whenever my knees were good and the liver is strong, ehem)

  • zen@monyet.cc
    1 year ago

    it seems we’ve got our first user who started a community with the same name as their username: backlash76.

    this is not a problem for lemmy because it uses the ! prefix for communities, and the @ prefix for users, so it never mixes them up.

    however, it is a problem for mastodon (and iirc, kbin also). I think these use the webfinger protocol to lookup users and communities (while ignoring the prefixes).

    I can’t remember where I read it, but it seems when there is a “name clash” between user and community, mastodon prefers one, while kbin prefers the other. (it would be nice if mastodon and kbin users could try searching for @backlash76@monyet.cc and see if what I read is true.)

    in this case the user is moderating the community with the same name. but what if a user starts a community with the name of another user? it would force kbin or mastodon (whichever gives preference to the community when there is a “name clash”) to find the wrong “user”.

    attention admins this could require a new rule. one that says communities that are created by a user with the same name as another user will be deleted…or something like that.

    • cendawanita@monyet.cc
      1 year ago

      Kbin ok, because they have mags and users anyway so it can be read fine. On my main account, only the comm shows up. On my calckey alt, only the user shows up lol.

      • zen@monyet.cc
        1 year ago

        I finally found the issue, and it turns out it was a kbin one: https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/700 (putting the link here for reference, as one of the commenters there said they had to “scroll through 30 posts with magazine in the title”, and I certainly don’t want to do that if I ever forget the link again).

        according to that person on kbin, calckey returns the magazine while mastodon returns the user. however, according to what you’ve found, for “name clashes” on lemmy, it’s the other way around, with calckey getting the user and mastodon the community.

        I think the admins have to really think about a new rule for how to deal with this so our usernames do not get “hijacked” by someone else starting a community with the same name.

        speaking of hijacking, does anyone have an idea why https://wiki.fxmed.co.nz is pointing here? I think that domain has started showing up on google searches for monyet.cc.