Figured I’d share this since I saw it.

The nostr relay thing does seem a bit… off to me. Not sure what really makes nostr better than here… Unless what we really want is a twitter experiance. Which I, of course, do not.

    1 year ago

    If they have to kick me out, that’s fine, I’ll take my ID an go elsewhere. Same as if I enter a bar, start some fights, and I get banned.I just go to another bar and, if I have a following, they can go to. Not only can they go, they aren’t banned from visiting the old bar again.

    don’t disagree with the mentality but part of the problem I see with this is that a lot of lemmy instances start to make it harder to get in (email, approval process, etc). beecuck is probably the worst offender in this department but there are plenty of others that aren’t just trying to prevent spambots but also want to limit who can get into the community.

    point being that as the onboard process becomes more and more of a pain in the ass, it is harder to justify time spent getting in vs the small moment of joy trolling trannyfags etc before getting banned and having to repeat. similar thing on reddit - easy to make a new throwaway but the karma bs basically restricts you from posting most places and it takes too much effort so level of effort required before you can troll isn’t worth it.

    to use the bar analogy, if you had to pay an entry fee and wait in line a half hour to get in for every bar, it would get annoying to get throw out after a few times.

      1 year ago

      Lemmy world is probably the best place to troll right now. It has a very low bar of entry. You can use a fake email to sign up. Immediately start posting images in comments. You’ll get banned but not before getting lots of soyboys super angry.

      Nostr is going to have anti trolling measures. Already people have it set to where they ignore comments from people not in their circle of friends. Just as a spam reduction technique.

      If trolling libtards is your thing, right now the fediverse is perfect. Like, i’m surprised no one has made whole websites dedicated to it. A few months ago one of those libtard journalist Taylor Lorenz signed up on mastodon and had thousands of antisemetic replies on her first post. She’s Jewish. stuff like,

      “The holocaust never happened but it should have”

      I think she cried.

      yesterday I posted a bunch of rage inducing graphs on lemmy world’s feminist forums and it took them like 8 hours to ban me. Not before getting hundreds of downvotes. Stuff about being childless and being depressed.

      To me that isn’t really what digital freedom is about. Even if it’s really funny. I don’t want anyone telling me who I can listen to. It’s morally reprehensible. The technology should allow users to block trolls though. Just from a engineering perspective.