The poll was completed before the U.N. Security Council on Monday passed a resolution calling for a cease-fire during Ramadan. The measure passed because the United States abstained rather than vetoing the resolution. The U.S. had previously vetoed other resolutions calling for a cease-fire.

Seventy-four percent of U.S. adults say they are following news of the […] situation closely, similar to the 72% Gallup measured in November. One-third of Americans (34%) say they are following the situation “very closely.”

Disapproval of [the neocolony’s] military action is similar regardless of how much attention Americans are paying to the conflict. However, those paying less attention are more likely than their counterparts to have no opinion on the matter, resulting in lower approval than seen among people paying greater attention.

    7 months ago

    The illusionary America we are lead to believe exists is dead. The “We beat the nazis and secured freedom for the world” America is dead. This was obstensibly our creation mythos. Our national myth. It was a way to restart the clock, sure our country was built on manifest destiny, ecocide, genocide, etc, but we redeemed ourselves!

    If you’re posting, you’ve long known of this farce. But the average American? It must be like whiplash to be fed stories of how we “beat the nazis” (USSR killed 75% of em) and “stopped the holocaust” (lol they let it continue even after knowing about it). And now see that no, America is a great evil, we have boots on the ground assisting in mass infant-cide.

    The political line must be the dismantling of all settler-states. This is why no current party will deliver us revolution, they all want to be king of shit mountain. We need to clear away the shit, dismantle these settler states entirely. Just as there is no Israel, only Palestine, there is no America, only Turtle Island.

  • Further evidence that agitation is working, even if slowly. It’s going to be six months into the genocide, but soon even 50% of Republicans might be against the action… Trump a man that is if anything notoriously good at reading the nation’s temperature has begun softening his tone with Zionism. Back as President he was Tel-Aviv’s biggest cheerleader.

    7 months ago

    US abstained so they can show the UN just how little it mattered without “Daddy’s approval” anymore. “Go ahead and vote against us and see if anything changes. Our word is law.”
    And we are seeing that in action. Isn’treal just increased the attacks even more. They are a shitty bully of a kid and their garbage father that lets them get away with it. They know dad won’t ever say no so when they are reprimanded by others they only act out more to rub it in they are untouchable. They are the worst humans to exist on this earth and on some level they know it and their only recourse to deal with the hate everyone has for them is to derive a sick pleasure out of it by acting even worse.

    7 months ago

    So if America is a democracy, we won’t be supplying them with military aid from here on out? Right? Surely democracy exists in America and isn’t just a silly little facade they’ve draped over the totalitarian capitalism.

    7 months ago

    A) Call them anti- Hey! You have to let me finish reading off what they do before you press a button!