• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    The ADL is useless. Always has been, always shall be.

    a proud citizen of the freest country in the world, in which Jews have been safer than in any other country in history

    I’d love to see what research the author conducted before arriving at these very bold conclusions. It must have been exhaustive indeed.

    the persistence of antisemitism stands as a stubborn counterargument to Martin Luther King Jr.’s hopeful faith that the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice.

    Aside from the referencing of Martin Luther King being so cliché at this point, above all it saddens me how so many people do it in ill faith.

    antisemitism among […] Hamas

    Roll. Eyes.

    If Hamas’s own words are meaningless to you, go look at how released Jewish hostages discussed their captivity and then compare it with the released Palestinian prisoners discussing theirs.

    The practice of projecting immediate social fears and hatreds onto Jews grew from the human need to treat some nearby group of people as the Other.

    This is just a rehashed argument from early Zionists claiming that antisemitism is natural, so Jews have to shove off to Palestine.

    the pseudoscience of race that flourished after Darwin

    This again?

    both Nazism and Marxism identified Jews as an enemy deserving liquidation.


    The core of this new antisemitism lies in the idea that Jews are not a historically oppressed people seeking self-preservation but instead oppressors: imperialists, colonialists, and even white supremacists.

    Strawman, have you tried exploring how Zionism harms Jews?

    It is not inherently antisemitic to criticize Israel.

    Usually when Zionists offer this trite reminder, they give no examples, maybe because ‘Israel isn’t doing enough to exterminate Arabs’ isn’t a criticism that they want to utter in public.

    The author’s history is loaded with classic Zionist untruths, like the U.N. creating the neocolony (not exactly), the neocolony being compensation for the Shoah (not really), the exodus of Palestinians being accidental (nope), then delves into this:

    the paradigm of white supremacy also does not correspond easily to the Jews. Around half of Israel’s Jewish citizens descend from European Jews, as do most American Jews. But those Jews were not considered racially white in Europe, which is one reason they had to emigrate or be killed. Roughly half of Israel’s Jews descend from Mizrahi, (literally, Eastern) origins. They are not ethnically European in any sense, much less racially “white.” A meaningful number of Israeli Jews are of Ethiopian origin, and the small community of Black Hebrew Israelites in Israel are ethnically African American.

    Mentioning Jews of colour only weakens the author’s point since they regularly face discrimination under Zionism. Also, the point that European Jews were not yet canonized as white is irrelevant since most of them are white enough for the neoliberal establishment.

    On the left, one line is that Jews are weaponizing the Holocaust to legitimize the oppression of Palestinians.

    ‘Jew’ isn’t a synonym for Zionist, dipshit. G‐ddamn, I’m tired of responding to this. I know that I only covered a fraction of it but I’m too annoyed to continue. Fuck this author.