Even though my brain is all “no they’re strangers they’re going to beat you up and scream at you and tear you to pieces and devour your entrails for the sin of being” I’m going to go anyways and try to meet friends

I will wear my finest garments :large-adult-son:

I’m tired of being lonely and afraid to go out and do stuff, I’m tired of being held back by a lack of money, and if I can find some people who know what it’s like to have a brain that’s bad at doing stuff then maybe I’ll have an easier time relating to them

I am certain I will impress with my confident-sounding voice (that covers up my total lack of confidence) and my bare minimum basic small talk social skills, and also I am certain they will hate me and I shouldn’t go because I am a terrible trash person but I’m going anyway fuck you brain :galaxy-brain: :stalin-gun-1: :stalin-gun-2: