Do you guys pay for development/scanning or are you doing some/all steps at home? I’m using analog photography as counterpart to my very display-centered work, so digitizing would be the last step after making a real darkroom print. Everything happens at home by myself. Downsides are the lack of images showing up here and maybe that I’m mostly limited to B/W.

  • Ananää
    1 year ago

    Local shop all the way but I’d like to develop my films at home. Right now i’m just trying to hold myself back a little bit as I seem to start a new hobby every 6 months or so ^^" i did some courses of film photography at school where we did everything from loading film to cartridges to developing and darkroom. Fun times!

    1 year ago

    I live next to one of the largest (maybe the largest?) film labs in N America, and am friends with a few of the staff. I use them to develop & scan.

    I learned how to develop in school, but since life has gotten busier, I like being able to focus on shooting. Maybe later in life I can do more of the develop & scanning again.