Listitems I have felt at least once before finding this: 7/8 Listitems I have known the name of before finding this: 0/8

How about you?

Also… what’s the feeling called when reading something, thinking ‘that sounds totally made up’ - then doing a quick google and realizing its actually a thing?

    11 months ago

    Now that I think about it in depth, I for myself (got PDA) would retroactively interpret the feeling as:

    A feeling of autonomy in a place you normally don’t have any.

    With masking in mind we could also interpret it as:

    A place where you are used to mask, but now are free to be yourself because nobody is around to judge you

    On the other hand it may be something not-neurodivergent at all (how should I know), or maybe it’s a combination of a general feeling everyone has with above stated reasons on top.