Listitems I have felt at least once before finding this: 7/8 Listitems I have known the name of before finding this: 0/8

How about you?

Also… what’s the feeling called when reading something, thinking ‘that sounds totally made up’ - then doing a quick google and realizing its actually a thing?

    1 year ago

    Here’s one I feel and enjoy but have a hard time explaining to people who don’t experience it, and have no word for:

    The sense of potential that comes with being alone in a normally-crowded space.

    Like walking the halls of an empty hotel during or right before a convention, when nobody is there yet (or awake yet, or awake still), and there’s this electric sense of anticipation, potential… It’s not quite excitement or enthusiasm, maybe you don’t actually care about what’s going to go on in that space at all, except that you know something is but not yet and that has an energy all its own.

      10 months ago

      I feel something like that on big streets in the night.

      Normally there are trucks and cars and everything is loud.

      But 2am in the week:

      The only thing on the streets are you, a few puddles from the last rain and the very occasional stray car or moped far away.

      And, yeah, I think in that moment I can relate to your feel.

          10 months ago

          Now that I think about it in depth, I for myself (got PDA) would retroactively interpret the feeling as:

          A feeling of autonomy in a place you normally don’t have any.

          With masking in mind we could also interpret it as:

          A place where you are used to mask, but now are free to be yourself because nobody is around to judge you

          On the other hand it may be something not-neurodivergent at all (how should I know), or maybe it’s a combination of a general feeling everyone has with above stated reasons on top.

    1 year ago

    I love this.

    It’s one of my passing hobbies to look up word lists like this - some of them are beautiful, and there’s something really satisfying about knowing this obscure and weird thing you’re experiencing is at least “normal” enough to have its own name.

    Then I promptly forget, which is annoying, bit also means I get to discover them all over again a few months later.

    On this list I can easily identify with 7/8 too

    Other words you might appreciate:

    Routineer: one that adheres to or insists on routine

    Fika: a moment to slow down and appreciate the little things in life

    Philocalist: lover of beauty; someone who finds beauty in all things

    Querencia: a sanctuary where you feel safe …or even better, Snuggery: a cozy room

    Fleshment: excitement associated with a successful beginning (we won’t talk about finishing the project)

    Acatalepsy: the idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything