• PizzaMan@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Then how did we always have one without the other until recent times?

    We haven’t. We have always had both. It has always been the law that you are allowed to practice whatever religion you want, or no religion at all. And it has always been the law that there is a separation between church and state, a prohibition on government to be religious.

    If you deny God, you embrace Satan, and until fairly recently that would have meant you’d be locked away in a mental asylum.

    Our country has a history of poorly following the constitution, but the law is the law, and the law says we have the freedom to believe or disbelieve.

    You’re so fixated on this.

    As are you it seems.

    If you insist, yes, a light-bulb “serves” its master

    A light bulb has no agency to server anything.

    We have two possible states, in which we cling to God or Satan.

    It’s not just the states I take issue with though. And the states you list are a false dichotomy as evidence by the sports analogy from earlier.

    The evidence is within you every time you choose to reject God. Indeed every time you type a character in reply to me, you evidence free will.

    Just saying something is evidence doesn’t make it evidence.

    “The complete lack of life in the universe outside of our planet is evidence that god doesn’t exist!”

    One can say that and be entirely wrong.

    The entire premise requires us to arrogantly suppose we could possibly control the whole planet, which is contrary to everything God tells us.

    God gave us dominion, what is dominion if not complete control? And again, we definitely have the power to do so because there is mountains of scientific evidence showing that humans are responsible for climate change.

    And they are entirely applicable to the climate agenda. When we are humble, we put our trust in God, not ourselves.

    That’s all assuming you know god’s plan which is heretical. Unless you know his plans (you don’t) then you should assume the worst case, that god intends for us to deal with the problem on our own.

    Responsibility for our own actions should be the default. I don’t mean to be glib but of all people I would have hoped a conservative would understand that.

    • 10A@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      God gave us dominion, what is dominion if not complete control?

      We find the answer is in Scripture. Let’s review Genesis 1:26-28:

      And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

      So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

      And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

      That is the specific nature of our dominion.

      And again, we definitely have the power to do so because there is mountains of scientific evidence showing that humans are responsible for climate change.

      That’s agenda-driven nonsense. There can be no evidence showing cause-and-effect for something that we didn’t cause in the first place. Show me one Christian scientist who believes people caused climate change.

      That’s all assuming you know god’s plan which is heretical.

      So now all prophets are heretics? Are you joking?

      Responsibility for our own actions should be the default. I don’t mean to be glib but of all people I would have hoped a conservative would understand that.

      I fully agree, 100%. We’re not responsible for climate change because it’s not the result of our own actions. We are each individually responsible for our own individual actions, though, yes.

      • PizzaMan@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        That is the specific nature of our dominion.

        Yeah, that aligns with what I say.

        There can be no evidence showing cause-and-effect for something that we didn’t cause in the first place.

        And so when we have evidence it shows we did cause it. It seems you are starting your argument with the premise that we aren’t responsible, and then concluding that we aren’t responsible. You cannot have your conclusion as one of your premises, because that’s just a circular argument.

        So now all prophets are heretics? Are you joking?

        That’s not what I said.

        You != all prophets

        Show me one Christian scientist who believes people caused climate change.

        So there are a number of problems with this question. Number one, somebody doesn’t need to be christian to hold true beliefs or have valid arguments, so this is a question with a really useless/mislead goal. Second, it’s an argument from authority. Third, it’s a setup for a no true scottsman fallacy, because no matter who I bring up you’ll call them a false christian because you’ve already defined a christian to be somebody who holds your own views exactly.

        This question is a ridiculous goal post that quite clearly on wheels, able to move the moment I name a name.

        We’re not responsible for climate change because it’s not the result of our own actions.

        It objectively is, the evidence is overwhelming. And we’ve known this for over a century at this point:


        • 10A@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          It seems you are starting your argument with the premise that we aren’t responsible, and then concluding that we aren’t responsible.

          My starting premise is God, and with penitent humility, God is my foregone conclusion.

          You cannot have your conclusion as one of your premises, because that’s just a circular argument.

          It’s not an argument of any type. It’s a humble acknowledgment of He who is in control.

          That’s not what I said [that “all prophets are heretics”].

          What you said, specifically, was, “That’s all assuming you know god’s plan which is heretical.” A prophet is someone who knows God’s plan as it applies to many people. So yes, you claimed that prophets are heretics. Now I’m no prophet, but like any Christian, I maintain a relationship with God and I read Scripture, so I know God’s plan to the limited extent He reveals it to me. That’s not heresy.

          somebody doesn’t need to be christian to hold true beliefs or have valid arguments

          You’re either with God or you’re against God. Anyone who sides with Satan cannot be trusted. They might indeed make true statements or valid arguments now and then, but they can only do so in service of the Beast, attempting to lead others down the road to Hell.

          Second, it’s an argument from authority.

          Nothing wrong with respecting authorities, and trusting their assessments. God is, after all, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

          Third, it’s a setup for a no true scottsman fallacy, because no matter who I bring up you’ll call them a false christian because you’ve already defined a christian to be somebody who holds your own views exactly.

          I don’t deny there’s a non-zero chance of the discussion playing out that way, but in practice I think there are just about zero climate scientists who call themselves Christians yet also think human beings could have caused climate change. If you find any examples, I’ll be rather curious what denominations they affiliate with. There are certainly a few crazy leftist denominations out there that seem to have fully rejected God, so it’s possible a few such climate scientists exist. If they do, and you were to find them, of course you’re right that I’d have to question their church’s Statement of Faith. But that’s no fallacy; it’s just recognizing that Christianity is incompatible with the premise that humans could possibly cause climate change.

          This question is a ridiculous goal post that quite clearly on wheels, able to move the moment I name a name.

          My only goal post is your acceptance of Christ.

          • PizzaMan@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            My starting premise is God, and with penitent humility, God is my foregone conclusion.

            You have no method to reach truth then, because you’ve shut out the possibility of anybody other than you being correct. That is incredibly vain.

            It’s not an argument of any type.

            It’s not a formal argument, but you know what I meant.

            A prophet is someone who knows God’s plan as it applies to many people. So yes, you claimed that prophets are heretics.

            That’s not what I said though. I never even used the word in the first place.

            They might indeed make true statements or valid arguments now and then, but they can only do so in service of the Beast, attempting to lead others down the road to Hell.

            And as a result you cannot dismiss evidence based on who is presenting it.

            Nothing wrong with respecting authorities, and trusting their assessments. God is, after all, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

            You’ve completely missed my point.


            But that’s no fallacy;

            It’s a true scottsman fallacy.


            My only goal post is your acceptance of Christ.

            Then I would recommend that you familiarize yourself with how logical fallacies work, because you’ve been using so many of them.