• PizzaMan@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’m done arguing this point, as I’m not an economist or a game theorist, and you’re not either.

    I’m probably more of a game theorist than you if I am being honest. I’ve done game development on the side for a little while now.

    But I think my point still stands because you haven’t identified a flaw in my argument.

    We can lose all of our material possessions, and all of our food

    People can’t afford to do that though. It is a financially bad decision to put yourself at financial risk of losing your home, transportation, or food source.

    The government has a responsibility to protect our nation as an institution; not to protect us each individually.

    And the government cannot protect one if it fails to protect the other. Our nation is our people. It’s not just the land itself.

    Except it’s not. You frequently come across as confidently incorrect.

    It’s objectively true:


    If corporations were not greedy there would be no gap between productivity and pay.

    Do you have any awareness that 99.9% of businesses in the US are small businesses?

    You already brought this up in a different thread. You may have missed it so I will copy and paste:

    • I’m not sure that data is really helpful for determining true business size since so many people have more than one job, and corporations like to own other corporations to hide how big they are. And employee count is only one factor in how big a business is. Market share, net worth, profit, all of which contribute to a business’ size. It also doesn’t take into account the power/influence a company has. A media company of 20 people has far more power and influence over a pizza shop for instance. A restaurant/grocery store might only employee about 50 people in total but have a fraction of the market share for the local area or no market share at all on a regional/national level. And on the other hand a landlord might own a company with 10-20 people, and owns a huge chunk of the city’s housing.

    In other words, judging a company of less than 500 employees as automatically being a small business is a terrible methodology for determining how much power/how big a company is.

    Other thread: https://kbin.social/m/conservative@lemmy.world/t/305925/New-York-City-Using-Brooklyn-Parks-as-Migrant-Housing#entry-comment-1680242

    Please start a business. The only reason you have not to is if you’re afraid of realizing that your entire economic theory is bunk.

    I have plenty of reasons. I don’t want to lose what little assets I have. The time and effort requirements for such an endeavor is huge. I have no capital to start a business with. I have a disabled girlfriend who requires a lot of care (time). On top of all that, I don’t really intend to live my whole life in this country, and feel I might have to leave soon due to the rise in fascism here. Why would I start a business in such a place? It just doesn’t make sense.

    As is I barely have enough time at the end of the day to relax to myself, let alone start a business.

    • 10A@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I’m probably more of a game theorist than you if I am being honest. I’ve done game development on the side for a little while now.

      That’s like a plumber claiming he’s familiar with the Plumb Line Method of theoretical physics because it has the word “plumb” in it. Game development requires no understanding of game theory.

      People can’t afford to do that though. It is a financially bad decision to put yourself at financial risk of losing your home, transportation, or food source.

      I find it confusing that you thought you used to be a Christian, when not only did you never form a relationship with God, but you never even learned Jesus’s teachings. I quoted from the Sermon on the Mount to you. This is literally Gospel. Again, I strongly advise you to study Matthew 6:24-34.

      • PizzaMan@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Game development requires no understanding of game theory.

        Then I have misunderstood the term, I apologize.

        when not only did you never form a relationship with God, but you never even learned Jesus’s teachings.

        You cannot speak for me. At the time I fully believed I had such a relationship. And I absolutely was raised as a christian, having been tought Jesus’ word.

        I quoted from the Sermon on the Mount to you. This is literally Gospel.

        That doesn’t mean it is true though.

        Again, I strongly advise you to study Matthew 6:24-34.

        Yeah, it’s all kind of just meaningless to me. It would be like if I told you to read a passage with a vague moral from a Star Trek book. It’s all just fiction, made by men.

        • 10A@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Then I have misunderstood the term, I apologize.

          Apology accepted. In case you’re curious to learn about it, you might click here. It’s a good topic for online classes, in case you ever find yourself with spare time.

          I absolutely was raised as a christian, having been tought Jesus’ word.

          Did they skip all the parts about mammon, or did you just ignore them? They’re fairly central to Jesus’s ministry.

          That doesn’t mean it is true though [that it’s Gospel].

          It does, in fact.

          Yeah, it’s all kind of just meaningless to me. It would be like if I told you to read a passage with a vague moral from a Star Trek book. It’s all just fiction, made by men.

          Even if it was written in Klingon, I’d do my best to read it and wrap my head around the point you were trying to make.

          All of the Bible verses I’ve quoted to you and linked to you have been (by far) the wisest and truest words I’m able to speak. In most if not all cases, they’ve provided the point I was trying to make. So I find it discouraging and disheartening to know you haven’t been reading them, and seriously considering them.

          Whenever you encounter a quote from the Bible, begin by thinking to yourself that you’re about to read something true and holy — even if you don’t believe that yet, start out by telling yourself that. Then ask God — and I know you deny Him, but at least try your best to ask God — that you may receive His holy words with a sober mind, and that you may unquestioningly accept their eternal truth. Then read, and reread, and read once more, the passage until you know it well. Read the context of the passage, as much context as needed, and read it in various other translations, to help you deeply understand its truth.

          And with that, yet again, I strongly advise you to study Matthew 6:24-34. That’s certainly not the only thing you ought to read, but it’d be a solid start.

          • PizzaMan@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Apology accepted. In case you’re curious to learn about it, you might click here. It’s a good topic for online classes, in case you ever find yourself with spare time.

            Thank you, I’ll try to take a look at some point.

            Did they skip all the parts about mammon, or did you just ignore them? They’re fairly central to Jesus’s ministry.

            No matter what I answer here, it will just feed into this no true scottsman fallacy you have with the definition of “christian”.

            It does, in fact.

            It seems that you are beginning with the premise that it is true. Again, that would ultimately mean that much of what you say is based on a circular argument.

            I’d do my best to read it and wrap my head around the point you were trying to make.

            I’m not talking about understanding though. I’m talking about the value you derive from something you read. I don’t get any value out of bible verses. It’s just junk to me even if I understand it.

            So I find it discouraging and disheartening to know you haven’t been reading them, and seriously considering them.

            I’ve definitely been reading them. But it’s next to impossible for me to take them seriously when the whole think is so wrong.

            • 10A@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              No matter what I answer here, it will just feed into this no true scottsman fallacy you have with the definition of “christian”.

              I don’t have that fallacy in my definition of “Christian” at all. A Christian is a genuine follower of Christ, of which there are many, and many more every day. The fact that some people claim to be Christian without actually following Christ does not mean there’s no true Christian. It’s entirely possible for you to choose to become Christian.

              I don’t get any value out of bible verses. It’s just junk to me even if I understand it.

              The only value we can have in life comes from God. When someone gives you a Bible verse, that is likely the most valuable thing you receive all day, if not all year.

              And on that point, we have reached an impasse. I must abide by 2 Timothy 3:2-5, and turn away:

              For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
              Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
              Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
              Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

              Thank you for all of this thought-provoking conversation. I wish you all of the best, and I pray you may yet find God.

              • PizzaMan@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                The fact that some people claim to be Christian without actually following Christ does not mean there’s no true Christian. It’s entirely possible for you to choose to become Christian.

                That’s not what a no true scotsman fallacy means. It’s a fallacious way to deflect people from being a part of a group. It is not a statement that no such group exists.

                The only value we can have in life comes from God. When someone gives you a Bible verse, that is likely the most valuable thing you receive all day, if not all year.

                Then it’s quite odd how I have value in my life despite it being secular. It’s almost like there are many sources of value in life beyond religion.

                Thank you for all of this thought-provoking conversation

                You are welcome. And thank you for keeping this as civil as it has been.

                I pray you may yet find God

                Like I said, you’re not the first so I wouldn’t bet on that.