We spent a whole hour talking, went over a lot, my history, which includes no drug abuse outside of smoking nicotine, some weed, and drinking alcohol.

She ended by saying we’d need to form a longer relationship, and, that I’d need to submit to regular drug tests.

Considering my history, the only thing I can come to, is that she’s irrational about weed, or, she’s making assumptions about my addiction risk thanks to autism.

She lied to me, and told me regular drug tests were standard for Vyvanse, having looked this up, I knew that wasn’t true, I turned her down and asked to work with someone else. I don’t care to submit to this sort of control. I’m upset that someone like her was in a position of power, now I have to wait for the VA to assign me another doc… Great, cool, I guess my life will remain on hold because someone with conservative views about drugs and autism is in a position they shouldn’t be.

Don’t tell me I should just do it, I have standards, and I looked this up.

  • Ensign Rick@startrek.website
    8 months ago

    Fwiw, I got on my first adhd meds (generic Adderall )with out any of these “requirements”… I did have a blood test the same day I got my first script but it was just a standard panel for becoming a new patient with my pcp. My new doc at the time just talked to me for about 30 mins and had me do a adhd survey. Also told my doc that I was using medical marijuana previously and she said that it made sense and even supported it. I also drink and listed as such but my level of drinking isnt anything concerning. I might have a six pack of beer a week. I took a chance and found this new doc as my old PCP was an asshat that acted like he never believed anything I was saying. I had stopped using medical marijuan already for a job that still believes weed is like meth or whatever which is annoying but it’s a good job. My doc is my age and gets it… When I described my depression systems as “millennial garden variety depression” she was like “where everything just kinda sucks?” I was like yeah! Find a new doc. This isnt normal. Best of luck. I’m on vyvanse now and its definitely been the best fit for me. I wasn’t diagnosed till my 30s. Wish I would of done this twenty years ago when I realized I was different.