Why is there a vore day?
I mean, being one of those unofficial “holidays” made up on the internet, I’d assume it’s just that some of us want there to be a vore day, and who’s going to stop us?
Might as well ask why there’s an inflation day.
When else are we going to blow up our balloons?
On Helium Day, of course!
Curse the man who invented helium!
And why is it every day continuously.
Eight in Japanese is 八 which looks similar to katakana “ha” ハ and has the readings ハチ(hachi) ハツ(hatsu) や(ya) よう(you) Dates are usually written as 8月8日(8th month 8th day) though and the only onomatopoeia for stomach growling I can find is ごろごろ (gorogoro). Am I too stupid to get this? I can’t see how the date 8/8 resembles the noise of a rumbling stomach
I guess in katakana “gorogoro” would be ゴロゴロ, which when written vertically in two lines would look vaguely like 8/8? Just guessing…
That took me a moment to visualize in my head but yeah that could be it!
If i had to guess, what they’re most likely refering to isn’t onomatopoeia, but it’s pronunciation. Vore in Japanese is 「丸呑み」(swallow whole) which is pronounced as まるのみ and sounds like 「丸のみ」(only circles) .
Using this as a rule for the date, the digits must be composed of only circles, i.e. either 0 or 8. This leaves only 8月8日 which fits the criteria.
what is vore
A genre of porn based around beings eating others/getting eaten/being shoved into some other orifice
Specifically all at once, while alive, in a somehow sexualized way. I’m pretty sure there’s a distinct difference between Vore and Cannibalistic fetishes.
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