Social media is one hell of a drug. It’d have you swallowing giant gummy worms whole at the back of a sip’n’strut. Oh sure, the catharsis is nice, but at some point you’ll need to ask yourself “why are we like this?”

Lately I’ve been noticing how some comments make me want to exclaim “IT’S A TRAP!”. Obvious, open and quite frankly kinda basic baiting, like some disgruntled parent at a PTA, smacking his chest with his bare hand, telling another parent “cash me outside bro how bout dat?”

Like okay, this one comment was doing a set up where the intention was to either get someone to A) depose Hamas or B) defend Hamas, with the intent of jumping down someone’s throat.

Why are people like this, mommy? And why am I calling someone “mommy” on social media? Can’t we just make homemade cookies like we used to do on rainy nights, and be happy? And why is daddy always drinking the unhappy juice? I think I probably already answered that question…

Mommy, I want McDonald’s!!!

    11 months ago

    There is a positive-feedback-loop of culture-polarization, prejudice, ideology-addiction, and identity-formation, that is getting activated more & more & more, now, globally…

    I’m using links so you can read the reviews, not to recommend them as where you buy books from. ( Bookwyrm isn’t populated enough to default to them, yet )

    identifies the 5 culture-levels/modes.

    Once you’ve read that, you’ll realize that humankind is being pushed lower & lower on the scale.

    Level-2 breeds conspiracism, because it is beneath Level-3’s narcissism-culture ( and narcissistic sociopathic authority has become a cultural-addiction to the point of being social-status ).

    is a book on the 2 mind-functions/categories, which he calls System-1 & System-2.

    System-1 is ( in my opinion ) Limbic mind ( herdbeasts have it ), whereas System-2 is deliberate & considered thinking…

    The lower in the 5 culture-processes a person is, the less System-2 they exercise.

    Throw-in an ocean of economically-enforced Attachment Disorder, saturating entire-generations ( parents couldn’t afford to be present & to parent their kids, consequences implacably grow ),

    and you’ve got the feedback-loop to guarantee the nonviability of humankind.

    Escalation will continue, and the Dark Pentad, as I call it ( the professionals don’t accept that it is 5D )

    Narcissism/Machiavellianism/Sociopathy-Psychopathy/Nihilism/Sadism continues grabbing more power, as the System-1’s pseudo-thinking enforces more reacting, and Dark Pentad capitalizes on that…

    It’s quite elegant, when you consider how efficient it is at guaranteeing The Great Filter’s extinguishing of our kind…

    Frustrating & depressing, but elegant as hell.

    Notice that Russia’s Learned Helplessness culture “gets even” through nihilism & sadism, as the myriad torture-operations strewn throughout Wagner territory & Ukraine both demonstrate…

    Putting the harm on others is, for people oppressed long-enough ( like the Russian people deformed in Leninism & beneath the oligarchy/dictatorship ) a survival mechanism, psychologically.

    So, as multiple forces/factions work at breaking human-worth/values from having any say in the rule/operation of our world, … the lashing-out ( mass-shootings are now at more than 2x per day, in the US ), the nihilism ( common in Level 1 culture ), the sadism, all multiply themselves AND multiply each-other…

    Think of it as multiple “bulls” battering heads, to see who gets to be the “god bull”…

    Legalism is one of them, materialism/moneyarchy is another, class-based-validity is another, authority worship is another…

    Notice that humanitarianism isn’t one of the contenders fighting for planetary dominion…

    Another thing, is to be able to switch between the apparent view, the political view, and the system view…

    Islamist totalitarian authoritarianism & Zionist totalitarian authoritarianism both are totalitarian authoritarianism.

    So, politically they are enemies, but they both are committed to breaking the world to their totalitarian authoritarianism.

    Every country has such … puppets … of the 4 false-religions.

    ( legalism, materialism/moneyarchy, class-based-“validity”, and authority-worship, are the 4 false religions )

    When the economy collapses, you’re going to see a sudden & immense tilt from the current careful-thinking/considered world, that we live in in fall 2023, into a deranged, aggressive, polarized & violent System-1 world, & fascism will be gaining supremacy pretty-much everywhere, globally.

    “Big Think” on yt has a good vid on the 10 behaviours of fascism.

    This, too, is expressing PunctuatedEquilibrium, the Pattern which expresses at all scales throughout Universe…

    E.g. of PunctuatedEquilibrium

    { Big Bang, itself; CMB; stages in a star’s life, like ignition, red-giant, collapse, & detonation/nova; our planet’s oxygenation, termination of dinosaurs, other mass extinctions, the creation of our Moon, much of human history’s battles & treaties, birth, graduation, marrying, employment, injury, death, electron-shell energy-states, atomic-decay, galaxy-collision, … }

    We’re simply unconsciously enforcing that our toddler-nature get to be the only controller of our world’s fate/viability/“vehicle”, and ratcheting ourselves into the Tantrum of Tantrums, jacked with & backed by all the military, industrial, propaganda/Leninism/Murdochism ( he remapped Leninism from left to right, used TV instead of “education”, and we call it “populist dictatorship” instead of “proletariat dictatorship”, but it’s fundamentally identical in method ), and every other enforcement-of-non-reasoning/enforcement-of-non-consideration/enforcing-of-non-objectivity.

    Species-puberty, iow.

    It’ll be interesting to see if any survive this century.

    So, the nonthinking automatic aggression, the narcissistic System-1, and the machiavellianism, that you’re seeing now, should be significantly eclipsed by what it turns into, as soon as the context gets worse.