• Ms. ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I use it to help me DM. A lot of times I have a vague idea and it helps spit out specifics, I can take parts I like, and build the final idea off that. It is also okayish at making stat blocks for me on the fly when someone randomly decides they want to kill something I didn’t plan for (so like basically every session)

    • flux@lemmyis.fun
      11 months ago

      It’s great at coming up with ideas for magic items, monsters, traps, plot hooks, etc.

      I ran a Christmas session last year, it was a dream session so I handed out tons of magic items cause they wouldn’t be keeping them. ChatGPT generated every single one, and I didn’t tweak anything at all. Which made for a few interesting items with redundant or contradictory stats, but that was explained by it being a dream.

      I have used it many times to give ideas for new items, new monsters, etc. Recently I was creating a blood-themed dungeon and asked for monster ideas and it gave me an Animated Bloodpuddle (reflavored Gelatinous Cube with extra abilities), and a Hemogoblin (ravenous blood thirsty goblins). There were others but those ones stuck out as cool and ended up being quite fun for the party.