I dream of a program suite like [Overseer+Jacket+Sonaar+Plex] which would search, download and organize a video game library.
Does one already exist?
I dream of a program suite like [Overseer+Jacket+Sonaar+Plex] which would search, download and organize a video game library.
Does one already exist?
Does compression really matter when it’s a torrent and you’re just extracting the file anyhow? It’s not your bandwidth, it’s a conglomeration of everyones bandwidth, so you’re not really having to deal with back end things like saving data.
Long term storage. Size matters.
Then why not a zip/rar/7z/tar.gz file instead? There’s no reason for it to be an executable.
I don’t believe any of the commission methods you listed provide the same amount of compression as the tools used by some repackers.
I’m no expert. I believe UltraArc/FreeArc are what’s used to get things down so small, and as far as decompressing goes I don’t think support for those compression methods is baked in to your OS/WinRar/7zip etc.
Windows supports every single one of those compression methods that I just listed with maybe the exception of tar.gz – so it’s asinine that they package this way. You’re just training idiots to pointlessly run .exe files on piracy sites - likely so in the future, when someone wants to - they release a popular game with their packaged EXE and throw everyone into a botnet.
I think you misunderstood two separate thoughts.
The compression differences between arc and others are insignificant. On the orders of maybe 10’s of megabytes. They are not making custom packagers, etc just to save 10 megabytes on a 7gb ROM.
You are a fucking dumbass, please just shut the fuck up. Don’t download the repacks then, dipshit. The higher compression ratio is valuable for SEEDING, you know, the thing you should be doing with the torrents you consume. It also is nice to have a shorter download.
Also its clear the entire unpacking process is designed to be idiot proof. Hence the exe.
Not about saving data but I have shitty internet so repacks are a way for me to download stuff without it taking 50 years