For me I generally pirate most books I read, although if there is a book I really enjoyed I will buy the physical copy.

I also generally tend to avoid having takeaways because they are just so expensive in this day and age with inflation and tend to opt for cheap meals like pasta or rice etc.

Also I don’t pay for any streaming services, but borrow a VPN service from a friend to pirate the movies I watch.

Curious to hear of some ways that you people here save money.

    11 months ago

    When the door alarm goes off, most people keep walking - and the store employees often don’t care.

      11 months ago

      Most places, the store employees are trained to do nothing. Several stores I worked at specifically state with a lot of emphasis to never engage a shoplifter. They might have a gun or attack you or who knows what else. Plus the cost of prosecuting someone for shoplifting is often greater than the value of what was stolen, so the small time thefts are largely ignored. Instead preventitive measures are used like visible cameras and engagement. So if you’re ever at a store and you find employees are repeatedly asking if you need help with anything, there’s a good chance someone thinks you are shoplifting (but not always!)