Personally I’m rocking a Google Pixel with Grapheme OS.

    10 months ago

    Not sure what is going on there. With me, scrolling jumps around but it’s usually related to opening and closing the virtual keyboard. For some reason opening the keyboard messes with the screen position. Annoying, but not unusable. A reinstall may be in order, but pmOS recently had broken installer images, so try to make sure that’s fixed before doing that.

    I’m following the stable branch and upgrading when a new version drops. pmOS has been pretty good, but every now and then a full reinstall has been necessary. I’ve been using PP since the Mobian community edition.

    Yeah, PinePhone is currently one of the few acceptable options available. Affordable, fixable, private. Even with it’s flaws, it’s pretty good. Unfortunately mobile linux needs to mature a lot before other companies will jump in, but lack of hardware and attention seems to be still hampering the development. A conundrum. Still, all’s not lost yet.