For me its probably Gaming - I’ve been trying to master civ 6 and Dots 2 lately and I also enjoy reading - Been trying to read the Singularity is near, but this book is just very academic and its taking a while lol

    8 months ago

    If you enjoyed the time spent, I don’t think it’s wasted. I am glad to have been able to laugh anytime I did, even if it was from a meaningless video game. But even those have become something for me, things I have accomplished and seen, they introduce me to philosophical concepts and ideas of places I’ve never been or aren’t physically possible.

    I like to take screenshots too that I use as wallpapers and pretend I’m some amateur game photographer. You can create some interesting things and enjoy an experience that is uniquely you. The media you consume is personal to you and informs who you are.
    Everything that builds you into who you are is important, even if you find aspects of them meaningless.

    Everything becomes dust in the wind, it’s either happening now or it’s memories, so I think it’s good to enjoy what you can now and try and make good things happen next, as well as you’re able.