For me its probably the debate regarding using a VPN with tor - Like the tor devs themselves recommend against using a VPN with tor.

Another is also probably the argument of “nothing to hide, nothing to fear”.

    11 months ago

    The assumed connection between advertising and privacy. While they are often related, there are situations where they can be different concerns. Two very common lines of reasoning I see a lot:

    • Regarding Brave - that is is just an advertising company so shouldn’t be considered for privacy - without getting into a whole debate about Brave, I think advertising can (and used to for many years) be done in a way that doesn’t harm privacy. And while many privacy advocates may be 100% against advertising of any kind, I think there are some people out there that care a lot about the privacy but not as much against any ad of any kind. The idea of a model that respects privacy but allows for advertising supported free content is at very least interesting to me.

    • The assumption that Apple’s growing advertising business must mean declines in privacy coming. While they certainly could lead to that, I don’t think that is a given. There are several areas (specifically areas where already browsing 3rd party items such as apps or businesses) where contextual ads could be effective without harming privacy at all. Not saying I approve at all of these advertising moves on what are sold as premium devices, just that the assumed decrease in privacy is assuming a lot.

    My point is only that these can and potentially should be looked at as separate issues. I’m not ignoring that there is a conflict of interest created where a company like Brave could go back on privacy features to improve the advertising features or that Apple does the same for their advertising money, but I think it’s a bit of a miss to assume the worst possible outcome in these and other scenarios.

      11 months ago

      Ads are useless as people harden up. Its just exploitation of goods, standars Capitalist bullshit.

      The result is that the goods are worthless but also people are hardened up. They are less sensitive.

      When I open any “social media” on other peoples phones, its shocking how full of ads that is. I enjoy my comfortable bubble without that.

      So as Ads are overused, they need to get better. But the real problem is that ads suck and should not exist in any way like they do today.