TL;DR: We had a talk because GF said she doesn’t like some behavioral stuff about me. I said tell me what it is, and maybe I can work on it. She said no, changing, even just small changes, for the partner makes no sense, better find someone more “similar”. It’s a bad signal for me because it implies she wouldn’t take compromises either. I can’t see myself being with someone who can’t talk about stuff like that and take compromises.

We’ve been together for more than a year. I haven’t noticed it myself that much during that time, but we recently had a talk. She told me that she’s unsure if we really fit together long term. Topics like differing interests and behaviors of me that disturb her. I told her I didn’t know she dislikes my behavior for these specific cases, but if we talk about it, we can work on that. I’m happy to adjust some stuff like cleanliness at my home (we don’t live together, and it’s about stray newspapers, a pair of socks on the bedroom floor and the likes, for that particular case).

I thought I proposed a good and honestly quite normal solution. Talk to each other, take compromises for my partner, accept them not being perfect. Sadly, I was wrong. She proposed that she doesn’t like the idea of me adjusting my own life for her sake. She also indirectly said it could be better to date someone that doesn’t need compromising to fit her “needs”. Obviously she didn’t pick those words, but that’s what I understood.

Now, I love my girlfriend and I obviously try to make it right for her. However, her not accepting that I’d change little things about my life for her sake is kind of a bad sign for me. She was so extremely against that, it makes me think she doesn’t feel like taking compromises either. In fact, it’s quite obvious now, she wouldn’t really take a trade-off. And I’m not here for that. While I’m mostly fine the way she is right now, I don’t think it’s possible to be together without compromises for any couple. I thought back into the past a bit and it’s true. She doesn’t really do much to find compromises with me, it’s basically just me who accepts her stance on whatever it’s about.

Also, who happily agrees with every quirk and decision their partner has? You’ll have disagreements, and sometimes it’s not about who’s right or wrong. You just have to talk about it and try to find a way around it. If it’s a huge disagreement and there’s no viable solution, fine. There are dealbreakers. But other than that, I’m sure you can find a compromise for most stuff. At least that’s how it works in my mind if you really like a person.

Right now, I’m trying to find out if I really understood her correctly, but if nothing changes, I don’t really see a future here. My two close friends that know about this both asked if I’m her first relationship, but I’m not. However, it from what I heard she was like that in previous relationships as well. But can’t be sure.

Has this ever happened to you? Am I the weird one? Am I unfairly only telling my side of the story?

    1 year ago

    Yeah, that perfect guy is probably never going to show up for her. I guess you could try to be straight up with her about how relationships actually work, but I don’t know if she’d accept that from you directly. Ideally a third party sits down with her and lays it all out.

    The reasons you gave seem like very minor things to stumble over, especially considering you want to fix them (like, just get a hamper for your room, and make it a habit to tidy up your place before you leave, I’m sure those are things that would serve you well whether your relationship continues with her or not).

    • LamerGamer@feddit.deOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I don’t think she’d accept that fact from me. It would probably sound more like self promotiom than actual advice. Sadly she’s really not into counceling or therapy, no matter if professional or not.

      About my habits. I actually do have a hamper, jusr not in room. I usually change clothes in the bathroom but sometimes you just get lazy. I mean I pick stuff from the floor at least once a day before I vacuum anyway. To me it’s really not a big deal. Sure, tidier is tidier, and I’d love to work on that. But IMO it’s not that bad (idk that statement makes it sound bad somehow).

      I did actually start a series of examinations to get possible diagnoses for underlying problems in myself, especially because my girlfriend mentioned some things like half a year ago. But ever since she hasn’t been happy about me “going to therapy” for stuff like that. Apparently in her mind thats not a good approach or whatever

      At this point I’m really not too sure wether I should stick around much longer, but I guess intuition will play some role in that.

        1 year ago

        This type of thing can be tough. I was with someone once, on and off over the years. Prior to that we were best friends, and remain so still. But the last time we dated was the last time. Before then, the “off again” times were due to life stuff where it just wasn’t feasible. But that last time we were having an argument and I said something similar to what you said. “Relationships take work. We have to work together to make it better for both of us.”

        She said “No, love is supposed to be easy.” I was just so absolutely shocked that someone I’d know both as a lover and as a good friend was that naïve and I never noticed it. We’d both been there for each other through problems with other relationships and it just never came out. But when it did I knew that, at least for the two of us, it wasn’t going to work. We ended it that day and have never dated again. That was probably 10-12 years ago. We’re friends now, and I think she’s probably learned more about relationships since then. She’s got an amazing kid and is in a relationship that makes her happy. But she wasn’t going to learn any of that in a relationship with me. Growth tends to come from loss and she probably figured it out along the way with someone. Honestly, probably from having a kid.

        But you sound fairly young. My advice is don’t waste time in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect you. And it sounds like she doesn’t respect you. She doesn’t like aspects of you now and doesn’t believe in changing. It definitely doesn’t sound like she’s planning to be in it for the long haul if she thinks a person should just like everything about their partner, she doesn’t think a person should change their habits, but also she doesn’t like your habits. Following that train of thought, she doesn’t see herself with you forever. You’re just here right now. You don’t have to put up with that. Live your life for you, not people who are too selfish to care about your happiness.