I’ve found a couple tutorials on how to add different POI to trails, some show adding a point in the map editor, others a waypoint on a gpx log. What is the current method? Do I just a dd a point, can I add a point on an existing trail?
Hi, that is an excellent question, but I’m not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve.
Are you trying to add some virtual points to a trip you are planning? (i.e. “at this point, I will have travelled 1 mile”)
Or are you trying to add physical milestones (or historical milestones) into the shared geospation database called “OpenStreetMap”?
If so, the approach will be completely different.
milestones into the OSM database. I think I figured it out https://www.openstreetmap.org/query?lat=40.24135&lon=-82.96042#map=19/40.24125/-82.96012
I think you’ve mis-tagged that and it should be highway=milestone.
Thats what I wasn’t sure on. I found some pages saying highway but other saying path. Was trying to figure out whats the most current.
I’m no expert but it’s what I’d go for!