Moving to Linux soon, and wondering how pirated games work with it. I know about proton with steam and lutris for most bought games, but how would I run pirated windows games over there?

    1 year ago

    assuming that you’re running WINE through the terminal you’ll see if there’s any error and usually it’s pretty simple to find what you need to make the game run (if it doesn’t already)


    for starters get all the gst/gstreamer packages including the plugin ones (libav, good/bad/ugly, etc.) and make sure to have both 64 and 32bit versions.

    get wine-mono (or directly install .net runtimes in your wineprefix, easily done with winetricks) and wine-gecko.


    after that you basically just get whatever .dll or vcrun stuff as needed (following error messages), most easily done through winetricks


    I will admit though, while using Linux Mint (instead of Arch Linux which I use on my home PC) at a relative’s house I had some trouble at first because a) apt package manager sucks, b) the names of the packages were different, and c) wine-mono and wine-gecko packages didn’t exist so I had to follow these instructions &


    also just like how protondb is a really good resource to look up how well games will run on steam proton and tips on how to run them, there’s