• Knightfox@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    Neither are in the right, both suck the further you go back, and both sides have exceptionally long memories. Most likely the only way there will ever be peace is if one side completely destroys the other. I’ll give you the short version:

    1.) Arabs (Ethnic Group) in Palestine at the beginning of the 1900’s were under the rule of the Ottomans and had not been their own state in several hundreds of years.

    2.) Around this time Jews in Europe were tired of getting shit on and started coming to the region and as it was an Ottoman controlled territory and the Ottomans didn’t want Jews in Europe they were kinda cool with it.

    3.) Arabs in Palestine didn’t like the Jews coming from Europe and started attacking and harassing the immigrants.

    4.) In 1920 Great Britain took over handling Palestine and they kinda felt the same way as the Ottomans and were ok with Jews going there until Palestinian’s started throwing a fit. Then Great Britain started restricting immigration, but only sort of.

    5.) Arabs in Palestine continued attacking and outright killing Jews in Palestine.

    6.) WW2 occurs and Jews are like fuck this shit and move in droves to Palestine. Arabs in Palestine erupt into outright genocide and Jews retaliate with equal measure.

    7.) Great Britain decides to peace out of the deal and proposes a two state solution. The Jews are thinking about it, but the Palestinians are completely against it.

    8.) Right before Great Britain pulls out in 1948 the Jews declare the state of Israel knowing that the Arabs will continue killing them. The 1948 Palestine War kicks off and Palestinian Arabs along with Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and others attack Israel. Israel kicks this shit out of them, takes over Egyptian, Syrian, and Lebanon territory. Israel gives back that land, but kicks out most of the Palestinian Arabs.

    9.) 1967 comes around and Egypt, Syria and Jordan decide to try again with the support of the kicked out Palestinian Arabs and once again get their asses kicked.

    10.) In the 1980’s Israel takes over custodianship of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza strip (they controlled the areas already, but Egypt took responsibility for taking care of the people). Around this time Israel is debating a one state solution in which peaceful Palestinians would be allowed to become Israeli’s but Palestine is completely against this so it goes no where.

    11.) The Oslo Accords took place in 1993 and Palestine formed it’s own government within the West Bank and Gaza. At first they democratically elected a President, Yasser Arafat, who was a socialist nationalist. Yasser and his party won the presidency and later the Legislature because Hamas boycotted the elections since Israel was involved.

    12.) The president was supposed to temporarily hold power until the legislature was formed, but the US and Israel favored guy decided to not let go of power to his own party.

    13.) Finally people were deposed and resigned which allowed another election of the Legislature in 2006 in which Hamas won 74 out of 132 seats. At this time the stated goal of Hamas was the destruction of Israel, full stop. This sentiment is shared (to this day) by many Arabs in the Middle East including: Iran, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Syria, and others. Hamas declares war on Israel and begins attacks in 2009.

    14.) The Gaza strip becomes an extreme Islamic state enforcing Taliban-like rules.

    15.) Hamas and their rival party, Fatah, have not had another election since 2006 because the two can’t agree to how the election should be held. From my understanding, Hamas wants a more proportional representation form of government (similar to Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Norway, etc) as opposed to a Majoritarian Representation (US style, majority takes all).

    16.) Sometime around 2015 Hamas splits into a Political group and a Militant group, they’re still the same but one is the international sob story and the other is a terrorist organization. The political group publicly says they would entertain a two state solution while the militant group still continues to commit terrorist attacks and wants to destroy Israel.

    TLDR: From the get go Palestinians were killing Israeli’s until Israeli’s took over. Palestinian’s still kept trying to kill Israel, but now Israel is also responsible for not committing genocide and catches shit every time they don’t just completely let Palestine free. Palestine is a state in which the majority of residents democratically elected a terrorist organization and would happily replace Israel’s Jewish state with an Islamic state similar to Iran. Israel is a mostly right leaning religious state with an ultra nationalist leader. Israelis in general see Palestine as a problem with no solution that they wish they could ignore, but Hamas is pushing them to see Palestine as as a problem they should destroy.