My garage has an AC, which is never used (its so wasteful to heat and cool the room! prefer just to put on a fan) Thinking that if i install a unit like this, i can break this in to two separate 20 amps circuits for outlets, or use the AC if i feel the need.

Anyone do something similar?

      1 year ago

      Wow… I’ve never actually heard a setup like this even exists… three phase, sure, we have it here even in households (I go it), but 180 degrees out of phase to get double the voltage… yeah, definitely a first for me.

      So, the idea is to use the 240V line or have separate 120V lines? Cuz if it’s the latter, just bring neutral over the ground (rewire in a junction box) and use the neutral as ground as well. Sure, not the best scenario, but it should get the job done if most of the stuff you plug in are power tools, which don’t have ground anyway.