I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
I was very sad, and very self-isolating for a long while. This even translated to online interactions - always lurked and never posted, because really what did I have to say that anyone gave a shit about?
Started to feel a little less sad, and talk with people online a bit. The walls didn’t necessarily tumble, but they started to crack.
So here I am, speaking though Cracks_InTheWalls. Now, people still don’t give a shit about that, but in turn I don’t about that, which IMO is a significant improvement from where I was.
I wanted to make a goofy username, and I was looking at Twilight memes when I asked “what would Edward Cullen look like in a bizarro world?”
I made it around 2013, when the Twilight fad (and the hate) was dying down. I used it on two or three websites before I used it on Reddit around 2014.
Donnie darko
irrelevant + elephant
guy on harmonix forum was named pickleseller19 and i thought it was the funniest thing so i made a name inspired by it
Is there a male equivalant for this? I wanna be that.
It’s my name lol
It’s just a very accurate description of me.
I like the colour purple, and I want to live in the woods and be a heathen.
Probably that I’m pedantic, periodically.
(The irony being that it’s using the loose definition rather than the literal definition of “periodically”, although it’s still in the dictionary)
I used bitwarden’s username generator hahaha