A few months back Firefox announced it was finally adding support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) after years of ignoring its own user's requests to do
Ah I see your point now. So is that how Outlook behaves now if launched via Web on chromium browsers? I’m still using the installed version, and am on Firefox now (playing around with Brave just this week).
Yes, if you want it to. There is a pwa button that appears on pwa supported sites that lets you toggle between app window mode and normal browse tab mode.
Ah I see your point now. So is that how Outlook behaves now if launched via Web on chromium browsers? I’m still using the installed version, and am on Firefox now (playing around with Brave just this week).
Yes, if you want it to. There is a pwa button that appears on pwa supported sites that lets you toggle between app window mode and normal browse tab mode.