Translated Lyrics:
Ruh / Spirit
Half an angel, half a monster
I will sleep in your bosom again
Half an angel, half a monster
I will roam to where you are
Secretly, with the shadows of the night
I will sidle to your side
Like a snake circling around a hole
song link:
I believe Darkwave was influenced by Coldwave from the 70s and 80s.
My current favorite, besides Boy Harsher is Drab Majesty.
Make sure you check out vandal moon and casket cassette as well. Bragolin and Kælan Mikla are worth a look too.
Fam, you should post here!
LOL full disclosure I should probably post in my own community. Which is genre related. It’s been far too long. But between posting most at work when I get breaks. And general health issues I haven’t had the energy much to dig up and post a lot of content. Hell I haven’t had a lot of energy even to DJ like I used to.
Yeah, fair enough, I tried being a frequent poster on a given community once or twice and it started getting kinda stressful. Now I just post where and when I feel like it. It’s a lot more fun, and it fits in my life a lot better!
Thank you.