I’m wondering what everyone else thinks is in our future as Canadians?
Do we think Trump is going to be stupid enough to try to invade Canada or redraw border lines?
Will the trade war continue for years or will Trump wuss out like last time?
We we continue to buy US products after they’ve now screwed us a second time?
I know I’m in the camp that whatever happens, I’m planning on completely excluding the USA from my life as much as possible.
I’m of the mind that the Orange Imbecile intends to start a war, any war, to justify him staying on as president beyond his second term. If a civil war doesn’t happen within 3 months of the start of the next presidential election cycle I fully expect him to attempt to invade us. Whether his military allows it or not is anyone’s guess but AFAIK he has already begun emptying the top brass of any dissenters so…
I’m from the US and fled to Canada during the second Bush Jr. administration. The funny thing is I’d kill to have that lovable idiot back in office. It’s amazing how you never really appreciate what you’ve got until you have something MUCH worse.
I have family in the military down there. Wouldn’t it be funny if they had to come up here to kill me and my family and seize my land? Boy wouldn’t my face be red! That would just be hilarious!
I mean, I’m sure i don’t need to tell you, a ton of the groundwork for this was laid by that “lovable idiot” and his handlers. Bush walked so trump could goose-step
“within 3 months of the next presidential election cycle” if the last two have been any indication, we’re already 2 months in.
Let’s see if the mid-term election happens and/or how it goes.
Yeah I do not think their mid-terms are happening, we are not years away from the next US civil war.