I am attempting to configure the Tor daemon on nix-darwin. There is unfortunately no services.tor on this platform (yet ! maybe I’ll port it from nixOS once I know enough Nix to do that)

I could manage it with homebrew, however, that seems like a sub-par solution, effectively moving tor entirely out of the nix store.

I have installed the package in my flake, and I would like to link a torrc config file to the right directory /etc/tor. However, when done with environment.etc, the file is linked to the general /etc outside of the store, where tor cannot find it.

How can I link this file inside tor’s own /etc in the store, so it can use the configuration ?

Link to my config repo fixed at the current commit

  • InnerScientist@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    Another way would be to create a small derivation that copies the default tor derivation, overwrites the etc folder and then use that as your system Tor. (See runCommand)

    environment.systemPackages =
      my-custom-tor = pkgs.runCommand "my-custom-tor" {} ''
              mkdir $out
              cp -r ${pkgs.tor}/* $out/
              chmod -R 755 $out
              echo "config" > $out/etc/tor/torrc