
A reddit post in r/fednews. Trump Took Away Adobe Acrobat and it took Me 45min to Combine Files Fed only Not that this matters but for anyone who thinks this is creating efficiency, Trump/Elmo took away my agencies Adobe acrobate away which means I can’t edit documents. So instead of being efficient and taking 5seconds to combine a pdf, I took 45min along with IT to combine files. That’s how I spend my time these days, trying to overcome the obstacles they put in place so I can do my job. For all this talk about government employees not doing work, I’m working double time just to keep up with what they are doing.

    5 days ago

    Goddamnit, i wish people would understand that this is the entire point! They don’t want government employees to do their jobs, that’s why they’re firing all of them!

    Our entire infantilized society is too dependent on authority to understand when that authority has turned on it and then has no conception of how to fight back against it except to do their jobs harder like for the love of any and all good things please pull your heads out of the fucking sand!

      5 days ago

      Why should the powers that be fight plastic pollution when it keeps people’s brains clogged, unable to conceive what’s going on around them, much less change it.