Title assumes the current reality changes to one where stupid shit still happens but it’s not always “And then it got worse” (lmao)

  • philpo@feddit.org
    11 days ago

    The European union never had any intention to be limited to land borders within Europe and explicitly understand themselve as a economic and trade, ethical values and international cooperation based union - which by the way does include far tighter equal defence rules than the NATO accords. This is especially important as Europe is not a well defined geographical area and its borders are somewhat fluid.

    Remember that before Erdogan Türkiye was considered as a possible member, Cyprus is a member, Georgia was on its way to a membership before the current government took a tour to Moscow, etc. The longest single country-to country land border the EU has is the French-Brazil border.

    And Canada has as much of a border to a EU country(but not the EU as Greenland is not part of it) as e.g. Türkiye has it’s European parts. So after all…this is not an issue at all.