Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
☭ Matrix homeserver and space
☭ Theory reading group on hiatus, will move to Lemmygrad later this year
☭ Find theory on ProleWiki, marxists.org, Anna’s Archive, libgen
One of our party officials in the European Council quit our party and will continue as independent. He gives no reason himself but rumours has it that it is about money. Every one of our officials needs to give a part of their governments wage (which is enormous) back to the party so that they only receive an average wage as to not lose touch with the people. Guess he wanted everything.
It sucks that people like him can just take a seat, instead of giving it to someone else in the party.
That would’ve been better.
It’s about the money and I’m guessing the financial security that comes with it in these trying times…