You all asked nicely for a better look in my last post, so here we are.
It was worth it 😍 I love being able to see your torso tensing and giving away the sensations you’re feeling. Now we just need sound so we can hear you breathing/moaning 😇
Unfortunately the audio was garbage; my sounds were completely drowned out by the shower and the vibrator, since I’m pretty quiet. Maybe another time!
Haha I know, I’m just teasing you! I’d love there to be another time though 😇 Hearing you enjoy yourself is actually WILDLY sexy.
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us!
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The shower turned into a bath, and I ended things with a dildo and the vibe. The video of that came out pretty bad though; another time!
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Well you didn’t disappoint.
@BlueWindsBreeze so fucking sexy